[Mythic] Tamer

A fountain of blood spurted out of the blazing rooster's severed neck before its flames slowly receded, leaving behind a naked body.

Shane retracted the bloodlust-killing-intent and mana he had utilized to increase his final blow's lethality.

After that, he took a deep breath. Thick droplets of sweat poured down his temples due to the drastic increase in his surrounding temperature that had been caused by the blazing rooster's flames.

Somehow, the rooster had been weaker than expected, but that was only because an unforeseen circumstance had occurred.

Nobody expected that a fight against a single opponent would turn into a three versus battle one out of a sudden.

As such, the sudden appearance of Umbra had probably been such a shocking event that the blazing rooster had probably forgotten about Shane's existence for a short moment.

At least, that was what Shane assumed to have happened.