
Shock spread through Shane's body at this thought, and the more he thought about it, the more logical it seemed.

The simplest reason for an advanced race to support the Dark Ice elves unconditionally would be the existence of something that belonged to both the Dark Ice elves and the advanced race, for example, an offspring of both races!

Maybe the woman was unable to endure the repulsive energies of two different races within her body like Princess Ilya.

However, that was not something Shane could know without asking, and the chances of him doing the same were slim. 

He couldn't just walk up to her and ask her questions hoping that she would answer honestly.

What he knew was that her purple eyes glowed faintly, while the black horns were something even variants of the Dark Ice elves, let alone mutants, shouldn't have.

Furthermore, she had a blessed state, which might as well be a trait of the advanced race.