No Time

Without wasting any more time, Shane decided to tame the lesser forest spirit.

This didn't take long, and he only had to simply activate his Innate Taming Skill that manifested a faint magic circle right in front of him.

Laying down the Egg of the lesser forest spirit, he noticed that it was wriggling slightly, but it had already calmed down after a few seconds.

Standing in the center of the magic circle, Shane noticed a faint connection building up with the lesser forest spirit as he received a system notification.

[Lesser Forest Spirit (egg-form) has been tamed! Congratulations to the host!]

Once that was completed, Shane's taming skill was finally filled with three out of three beasts having been successfully tamed.

Because Shane didn't know when the lesser forest spirit would hatch, he could only wait. However, at the same time, he wanted to take a look at its characteristics, and if there was something he had to pay attention to.