Sucked dry

There were groups with four members Shane had divided the large group of 1000 combatants into, which allowed them to fight strong opponents if those were to appear.

Meanwhile, Shane was alone and rushing towards the direction of the construction that manifested the spatial distortion zone.

Infiltrating the shelter had been much easier than Shane had expected it to turn out, and only now did the Destar race realize that something was off.

Out of nowhere more than 1000 brightly glowing red signals in red popped up on the mana radar that showed everything in the surrounding radius spanning around fifty kilometers.

However, what astonished everyone inside the shelter hall was that every single red glowing signal reflected the signals equivalent to a Superior peak-awakened beast, or even stronger!

This was bad, and they were about to send out an emergency signal through the system when they noticed that the system messenger had been temporarily sealed.