
The three headed blazing lion might have looked pitiful, but it was not something that concerned Shane.

He couldn't show any mercy anymore because the King of the Savannah wouldn't have hesitated to kill Shane if he had the chance so there was no need to be guilty for saving himself either.

The overlapping effect of the berserk skill wore off, leaving Shane in an exhausted state, while he could only slowly readjust himself to the huge amount of mana he had released at once.

A numbing headache and dizziness overcame Shane, only for Umbra, Cosmo, and Viridy to emerge around him.

They ignored the flames all around them, except Viridy who looked for protection and scampered to reach on top of Umbra, while shooting worried glances at Shane.

It might look like he was not injured, but the exhaustion weighing him down was worse than certain injuries he could have sustained!