With ease

Clearing his throat, Shane had already prepared his short speech so he wasted no further time.

"As you already said, both you and Lili could simply leave Igra that is bound to be destroyed. The System will disappear soon too and no one knows how long one can use the Dimension portals properly without them malfunctioning.

Considering that, why have you two not left yet? 

You are strong and you can take everything you want with ease, but for us to do the same we might have to sacrifice our entire race, but that is not important, right?

If I'm not wrong, you are either waiting for something to happen or hiding from someone.

It could be both or none of my assumptions, and I know that mankind is unable to give you anything desirable in return.

Initially, I thought that you entered Igra because you want to raise Lili slowly, but the amount of mana on Igra is definitely too little to properly raise her.