Shadow Slayer vs Heavenly Noob Squad
"Oh, no! Come on! The two lacked attacked speed, partner! Had their characters got the quicker attacks and good damage, the base should be finished!" the commentator slightly chuckled after the scene focused on the two players knocked back by the tank and retreated quickly. He had recognized easily which part where the two players fall short.
"Yes! Dang it! I didn't think those two Shadow Slayer players would be interrupted by the Heavenly Noob Squad! Well done to the tank of the Heavenly Noob squad! Well Done!!! The match is still going! It's not yet done!" the other commentator followed to speak his compliments towards the tank user.
"The Heavenly Noob Squad refused to give up! Indeed, this match is not yet over! They will have a full counter-attack rally!" the commentator added while the screen was busy flashing the events inside the map.
As for the players competing in this first battle, they were also thrown in a daze.