Contract Request

Although Jing Jing was holding a plain tiny piece of paper that can also be considered as scratch, she treated it like a piece of gold.

No matter how she thought, the content on it was similar to that of a business card.

And in the industry that she lived in when a person handed a business card, it only meant one thing. The person was showing interest. The kind of interest to form a possible connection, alliance, negotiation, or business!

"Ehem!" Jing Jing cleared her throat while walking down the bleachers.

The idea of finally getting direct access to the Chronos squad was too overwhelming for her. She hastily strolled past the crowd until she reached the corner of the gym.

The phone beside her ear was ringing but Jing Jing could hear her heart beating loudly than the device. She took several breaths to calm down and waited for the other line to answer her call.