Championship (14)

"HAHAHA that's a piece of pure bad luck! This Lee Gaming squad marksman actually went straight to the location where the Chronos squad assassin was hiding!"

"Uh-oh! That is really bad! But we cannot blame him. He was surprised by the arrival of the Chronos mage! I can hear even from here the loud cursing of the marksman user!"

The two commentators simultaneously expressed their opinions after Brent cursed on the lounge area. 

"This is why, players, you must remember, do not get caught up easily by the chase! Look at the Lee Gaming squad marksman, he was too focus on catching the opponent. Now, he had forgotten that his enemy is not only the assassin!"

"Right! Spectators who are players of this game watching out there... always remember that in this game, you have five enemies. So, your focus should be on the entire battlefield!"