The Ban Feature

Hearing that a new feature would be added to the game, the gym began to overflow with murmurs from the crowd. 

"What is the ban feature? Is that like a difficult mode?"

"OMG! That banning option! It is when you prohibit the opponent to play a certain character! Cool!!! Then, players in this game need to familiarize more than one character! Ohh, that is hard but still, it's cool!"

"Haha, I know this ban feature. This one is available in pc games. When the update comes, that is one challenge to all mobile players. Especially if the character that they are playing will be blocked by their enemy!"

"Awesome! If they add the ban mode, it will really make the match more exciting! I've been waiting for this feature to be added!"

It can be heard that every player of this game does not really understand the ban mode feature. Some are in deep confusion while others were exchanging their opinions.