A Subtle Guidance

The Rrad Hotel, District 7

The warm and dimmed lightings in the entrance gave off a sensual vibe of the entire hotel lobby. It was calming for the few guests sitting in the waiting area. The ambiance around was properly themed to the motif of the entire decoration of the hotel.

Such a scenery welcomed Sofia's gaze while the car pulled over.

'Not bad!' she mentally made a note as if giving the hotel a review for the decor they had placed.

Her eyes made a quick scan of the entire place before their driver swiftly opened the car door.

"We are here, young master Clark. Please enjoy the night. I will pick you up at 10 pm. This is the order of your father," the driver bent his body slightly as he reminded Clark of the time he needed to get back.

Clark nodded in acknowledgment, "I'll see you later!"