Unconfirmed Participation

"His apology is fine but, it is not the proper time to deliver this speech," Sofia stated before she dabbed the spoon on her bowl. She then started finishing her food.

"You are right, Sofia. That man does not have a brain! He knows that this is the time of celebration but now, he is ruining the mood! Tskk!" Jing Jing furrowed her brows and a deep scowl appeared on her face. 

Now, she started to question herself why she was able to have a past relationship with the man. She must have been blinded by love that she did not saw these bad qualities of Drake before.

"You sounded so bitter, sis Jing! Do you have grievances to this man?" Sofia questioned after realizing that Jing Jing seemed to talk about personal matters instead of just the professionalism issues.