Rumors Around the School

When the regular class ended, the news about a student being involved in an accident spread among all senior students. Not long after, the juniors also learned about the incident until it reached to the students in lower years. 

"It was Ash Martinez! He actually broke his arm in the bench near that big tree!"

"No wonder I saw an ambulance in our school parking space earlier. So, his condition must be serious?"

"Of course! His friends say that he accidentally fell off the bench! And those who had witnessed it also said that there are other beings involved."

"Well, if it's that big tree on the school grounds, it may be some spirits. Some students said that they had sightings of the white lady in that area!"

"W-white lady? Could it be some paranormal activity? After all, there are rumors about the haunted area of our school! Now, I'm having goosebumps!"