[Bonus chapter]Purchasing Celebratory Cake

After dropping Sofia in her apartment, Jing Jing decided to buy a cake for their planned celebration. She made a quick detour and stop on a residential house along the empty street. The house has a balcony facing the turnstile gate. But it was the situation a few meters away from where Jing Jing stood.

On the gate was a modest sign of Carmella Cakes written in a small poster.

Jing Jing stepped out of her car and saw that there were two elder people, both husband, and wife, sitting cozily on the balcony. She waved her hand to them and gave a friendly smile.

"We have a customer," the wife announced and went to greet Jing Jing who just stood outside the gate. Her pace was fast despite her old age and quickly faced the woman.

"Hi, ma'am! I want to order a cake for tonight," Jing Jing stated as she recognized that it was the owner who greeted her.