Creating The Chronos E-Sports Club

"I've brought my old phone with me. This also has the app of the game and is... ehh---?" Stephen paused while holding a black phone that was dripping from the rainwater that also drenched his clothes. His right thumb repeatedly pressed the power button on the side however, the screen of the device did not light up. "---I'll just order online for a new one," he finished after realizing the condition of his phone.

"Is it reliable to buy gadgets online? I've seen posts about scam products being sold," Joey pondered.

"Not just products, there is also bogus seller. They will send products that are different. I've experienced it before. But, if it's on the official store, it's reliable," their driver joined the conversation.

"I can make the purchase transaction online. Which brand do you want to have?" Clark spoke while scanning some various images of phone models.