Soft Opening Day (9)

Sofia took her time and patiently followed the two elders. They wander around the vicinity of her establishment. As they walked at a slow pace, somehow, their figures would give the impression of grandparents and a filial granddaughter.

Whilst the three of them continue to check the surrounding area, another black van parked on the side of the road. Three men hopped out of the vehicle. Based on their clothing and the equipment that each of them were holding, one could tell that they were from a press company.

The one carrying a camera was a bald guy that looked like he was in his early fifties. Because of the sunrise, his head shine brightly.

The other two men appeared so much younger than him. Yet, these two have a distinctive appeal. The reporter holding the microphone had a charming face while the other person also looked cool. The two young men possessed the appearance that viewers would really love to watch.