Luke's Visit Before the Wedding Day (1)

Private Office of Lee Gaming Squad Founder - Brent Lee

"Brent!? Goodness! Why are you still in your gaming office, bro? Your wedding is tomorrow, right?" 

Brent was busy signing piles of paper on his desk when a familiar voice sounded in his doorway. His hand abruptly halted scribbling his signature on the page and he slowly raised his head.  Seeing the guest's face, he quickly pushed the papers to the side. "Luke, bro! What are you doing here? Have a seat, man!"

The man named Luke was not part of his gaming circle of friends. He was in the business circle of district 7. Seeing that this man was visiting him in his gaming office, Brent somewhat felt strange.

On the other side, Luke chuckled and shook his head, instantly refusing the offer of using his spare chair. "I won't be long, bro. The others have told me to find you so that we can throw a bachelor's party for you!"