A Great Future Ahead

"We are all in one boat here paddling towards success. Your role in our business is very important, sister Heiz. I appreciate your presence and of course your precious baby too. Let's do our best for a great future ahead," Sofia muttered and looked at Heiz with a meaningful gaze. 

"R-Really? Those books records..." Heiz somehow trailed. "Sister, how could it be very important? It should be the workers, right? If no one works in the business, then, the operation will stop."

There was nothing wrong with Heiz's understanding. And Sofia could clearly see this kind of reasoning. Obviously, for the business to operate, there must be a labor force. 

However, the book records that Heiz was handling would actually determine the financial performance of their business. How could it not be considered very important? No matter how many workers Sofia would accept, if the business performance is slow, they won't be able to sustain their operation as well!