I Subtle Ridicule Will Do

"Boss Wang was so confident that the majority of his employees would soon become millionaires. They seemed to have invested all their savings in that business. Good luck to them," Jing Jing spoke in a solemn tone as she recalled the memories she had of her previous job. "I'm still grateful even though Boss Wang is still angry at me now. His company is where I got my first employment. And Boss Wang is actually a good employer as long as we follow his instructions."

For her to speak positively of Boss Wang despite the grudges between them was something that Sofia really admired about Jing Jing's character.

After a while, as the topic of their conversation drifted to the previous workmates of Jing Jing, a random thought suddenly slipped into Sofia's mind. In her past life, she was not a gossiper. She would never pay attention to trivial things or how others want to live their lives.