In Her Youth, There was Him

"Forget what I've said. Don't think about it. Ah, we have to finish eating before two! The movie would start at two on the dot!"

Nanako quickly changed the subject to the movie they were going to watch.

It was Film Emperor Ishizaki's latest film, 'Nil: Cease to Exist'.

This one was a heist film, showing his ability to act as a professional con-man who lived by swindling the corrupt politicians. The best part of the film was when the character starred by the film emperor had to come face to face with his biological father in the climax.

"Don't be too fixated on your film emperor, if not your boyfriend would be the one to sulk with you."

Himari no longer dwelled on the subject. She was uncomfortable when thinking about it. She had to gather her thoughts before coming out with the exact answer.

The two friends talked more about their lives, exchanging interesting stories of what had happened on any particular day. Time passed by quickly when it was shared with the loved ones.

"You just let Chobi out?" Nanako asked after paying the bill.

Himari sighed, "He's the one who started to sneak out first. It seems like he has befriended the stray cats around the neighborhood."

"Hoho, I think Chobi has taken a liking to one of the cats," Nanako laughed as she was reminded of the big fat cat of her friend, "If not for you have already neutered him, you'd become a granny."

"In that case, I'd still be a young and stylish granny," Himari flipped her hair while cockily lifted up her chin.

The two friends shared a laugh.

Nanako had booked the tickets online so they didn't have to queue at the counter. While waiting for Nanako to redeem the tickets at one of the kiosks, Himari looked around the cinema.

Since it was spring season, new romantic films were out even though filmgoers could find new films in other genres as well.

Film Emperor Ishizaki's popularity solidified again with the box-office of his newest film. This time, the production company didn't go all-out in advertising the film yet the tickets were still quick to sell out, showing the film emperor's throne was unshakeable. Even film critics came up with favorable reviews of the film as well as the film emperor's acting.

"Let's go," Nanako returned to Himari's side while waving the printed tickets, "The screening time will start soon."

"Ah, okay."

Himari shifted her gaze from one of the romantic film posters. The title caught her interest.

'In My Youth, There Was Him'

A thought crossed her mind.

In her youth, there was Jun.

In these three years...

Had she actually been waiting for Jun to come back?

Or, would she love another man in the future?

Himari inwardly laughed at herself.

For some reason, she thought more about romance today compared to the usual. This was not something she would usually do because before, the thought of Jun would only make her heart ached.

Well, blame Nanako for saying such a thing about a soulless crystal lamp. The sales assistant's promotion to sell the products had to be credited as well.

While her pain lessened as the memories got blurred by the passage of time, his absence helped her to move one as well. Without him in her sight, she wouldn't be reminded of their memories together.

There were beautiful and bad memories, but she treasured all of them.

Right now, they were memories that she cherished as they helped her to grow as a person.

But, to be together with Jun again...

To Himari, it was highly impossible even though her heart might yearn for him again.

The two friends entered the theater. By the time they found their seats, people were already kept flocking inside, eagerly awaiting the time of the screening.

"Ah! I bet he'd look so handsome in this film!" Nanako began to fantasize, "Sharp-piercing gaze, a heroic scar across his brow, complete in a black leather jacket and boots~ Aye, he's the epitome of manliness!"

"Don't let Ryota hear you," Himari snickered.

"Forget about him. Just let him drown with his busy schedule," Nanako scoffed.

Himari turned to the left and right, looking around the theater. Aside from the female fans of the film emperor, film enthusiasts were there too.

Ishizaki Ryuu was renowned as one of the actors who didn't have any qualms about choosing a script from a rookie director or the ones with a low-budget. His characters had been versatile so far. He could play both the hero and villain's roles perfectly, from the comedy genre to historical to patriotical and more.


Himari blinked.

Did she see wrongly?

As she squinted her eyes to look again, the lights of the theater were switched off. The only lights were coming from the screen.

"What are you looking at?" Seeing that her friend was focused in one direction, Nanako asked in curiosity.

"I think I saw someone I knew," Himari murmured faintly.


"Nah, maybe I mistook that someone," Himari returned her gaze to the screen.

The opening credit had started.

For two and half hours, the theater was filled with the sound of people gasping in suspense. At some parts, people had even cried, especially during the ending.

At one seat that was secluded from the rest of the seats, a woman sat there. While the filmgoers were watching the film intently with various kinds of expressions on their faces, the woman only maintained a melancholy look throughout the film.

Soon, the lights spilled in every inch of the theater once the film ended. The woman slowly took out the phone from her bag. She typed a message.

'I've seen the film again. You have done a good job, husband (^w^) You've never failed in looking handsome and gorgeous to me'

While the message appeared cheerful, she could only smile bitterly.

Ryuu, you have been away for months. When would you be back?

"Teacher Masuda!"

The woman abruptly lifted up her head in shock. She didn't expect to hear someone calling for her.

"...Teacher Kato?"

The young English teacher of the same school she was working was currently standing next to her seat.

"I thought I've mistaken but, it's really you," Himari smiled, "I never thought to come across someone from the school here."

Yuina smiled faintly, "Same with me. Are you here with someone?"

Himari nodded, "My friend is a big fan of Ishizaki Ryuu so I accompanied her here. Ah, are you a fan of him too?"

Yuina was taken aback. She quickly adjusted her facial expression.

"Yes, I'm a fan too," She laughed softly.

I'm his number one fan.


The two young woman's attention changed to the direction of the voice.

"Nanako," Himari properly introduced both of them, "This is Teacher Masuda Yuina, one of my colleagues. Teacher Masuda, this is my best friend, Hagihara Nanako."

"Nice to meet you, Teacher Masuda," Nanako politely greeted Yuina, "Thank you for taking care of Himari all this while."

"I learn a lot from her as well," Yuina waved her hand.

"En, Teacher Masuda, are you alone? Would you like to join us for early dinner?" asked Himari.

"Come! Come! The more, the merrier," Nanako extended the invitation as well.

Even though they had eaten quite a lot during lunch, both Himari and Nanako were starving again. Since it was rare for them to spend time together like this, they wanted to make full use of it.

Yuina thought of the apartment where there was no one to welcome her back. Then, she nodded.

"It's my pleasure."

"Okay~ Do you have any preference, Teacher Masuda? We plan to go to the newly open Italian restaurant here," As someone who was easy to befriend anybody, Nanako swiftly made a suggestion.

"Sounds good," Yuina followed suit, "I think the last time I have Italian dishes was two months ago."

The three ladies walked out of the theater, heading to the restaurant. That night, instead of a dinner of two, it turned into a three-person dinner. The one who talked the most was Nanako while Himari and Yuina would only chime in when necessary.

"Be careful on your way back."

"You too. And, thank you for inviting me. See you at school, Teacher Kato. May we meet again, Miss Hagihara."

"See you again, Teacher Masuda."


Himari and Nanako watched Yuina entered a cab before they went to the parking lot where Nanako parked her car. The sky had started to darken as the sun began to set.

"Your colleague looks lonely," Nanako blurted out while latching the seat belt over her torso.

"En?" Himari blinked, "Why do you think that?"

Nanako shrugged, "I don't know how to point out but, she gave off that vibe. Does she has any colleague she's close with at school?"

Himari thought back to what she had seen during her time in the school. She shook her head.

"Teacher Masuda is easy-going with everyone but, I've never seen her with anyone who I could say is particularly close to her."

It was nothing when no one talked about it but, now, Himari started to notice it.

"Maybe she loves spending time by herself, who knows? She has even come to the theater alone. It's nothing weird," Nanako made a conclusion.

"En, maybe you're right," Himari agreed.

Some people tended to be alone, some people needed other people to be with them. Each and every person walking on Earth had their own style of living, leaving different prints of them everywhere.