I Can't Help It That I'm Fabulous!

After eating, Chiharu appeared sleepy. She kept on rubbing her eyes while her head tilted to the left and right. Himari brought the little dumpling inside her bedroom and let her took a nap. After covering the little girl with a blanket, she came out.

With her arms folded across her chest, she stared at Chobi.

Chobi didn't give up. He looked directly at his Mama's face.

Himari let out all the words she kept within her since the beginning.

"I didn't expect you're so capable to kidnap a girl home. But, why did you bring a human girl? Can't you find a girlfriend from the same species as you?"

"Meow, meow, meow~ Meow!" I can't help it that I'm fabulous!

Himari rolled her eyes.

Thank goodness, nothing happened to Chiharu.

With a glance at the clock, Himari thought it was time to cook lunch. Actually, it was a bit late already.

Holding her long hair into a bun, Himari put on an apron and brought out the ingredients. Two chicken breasts, an eggplant, a lotus root, small green bell pepper and onion were placed on the kitchen countertop. She planned to make sweet and sour chicken.

Thinking back of the sweet little girl that was currently napping in her bedroom and the girl's brother, Himari cooked more rice.

Even if they didn't eat with her, she could have them for dinner next.

Ring, ring~

Himari paused from tossing the chicken bites and vegetables together. She kept the pan over low heat before she went to open the door.

"Izumi, you're here," Himari looked at the anxious-looking young boy.

His hair was in a mess as sweat running down from his head to his chin.

"Tea... Teacher, is Chiharu inside?" Izumi wiped his face. He panted heavily because he ran nonstop to get to this apartment.

"She's taking a nap. Come inside first," Himari beckoned him to follow her.

Izumi quietly followed his teacher inside the house. He breathed in relief once he saw a pair of familiar flowery shoes was placed next to the shoe cabinet.

"Teacher Kato, I'm sorry... Chiharu has troubling you," Izumi kept his head down.

Himari chuckled, "I'm the one who should say sorry. Your sister ended up here because she followed my cat home."

"Ah, a cat?" Izumi was baffled.

Himari recounted the story. Izumi's face changed. He didn't know either he should laugh or cry listening to his teacher's story.

"Sit down. Don't just stand there," Himari gestured to the couch. She hurried back to the kitchen, "Izumi, have lunch with your teacher? You haven't eaten lunch, right?"

"Ah, there's no need..."

Because he was in a hurry, he refused when the PE teacher wanted to give him food. Even so, he was bashful to have lunch here while his sister had troubled his homeroom teacher.

"I've cooked for you and your sister's portions. Take it as accompanying me for lunch, en? I only have a cat to keep me company," Himari winked at him.

"Meow~" Chobi meowed at Izumi.

Izumi scratched his head. He smiled bashfully, "Then, thank you, Teacher Kato."

Himari gave a clean towel to the young boy. Izumi brought it with him to the washroom. He had been sweating since morning. Once he reached home, he wanted to have a cool bath as soon as possible.

"...Big Brother?"

Chiharu came out of Himari's bedroom. Her ponytails were in a mess because she slept.

She thought she heard her elder brother's voice just now. Was she dreaming?

"Chiharu!" Izumi exclaimed. He quickly got out of the washroom.

"Are you okay? Did you fall down somewhere? What are you doing, leaving school like that?" Izumi scanned his sister from head to toe, his mouth kept shooting words.

Chiharu blinked with an innocent face, "Chiharu is a good girl. Chiharu didn't fall down. Look! My legs are strong! Chiharu could walk for long!"

Then, she jumped up and down to show she was really okay.

Izumi was at a loss for words. Sometimes, his sister could really make him speechless.

"Chiharu, your big brother is worried about you," Himari came to the siblings. She crouched down to look at the little girl.

She softened her voice, trying to make Chiharu see the danger of her action. Being young shouldn't be a reason to stay ignorant. It was to keep the little girl on alert too.

"You're lucky because Chobi was with you earlier. But, what if you're alone? Don't wander around without telling anyone, okay?"

Chiharu lowered her head. Her lips were pursed into a straight line. She nodded after a long time.

"Chiharu understood. Big Brother, Chiharu is sorry," Chiharu gave Izumi a 90-degree bow before she turned to Himari next, "Teacher Kato, Chiharu is sorry for troubling you."

"Chiharu is a good girl," Himari couldn't resist herself, she ended up giving the little dumpling a head pat, "Alright, I have cooked lunch. Let's eat together."

"Lunch? Yayy!"

"Meow meow~~" Chobi wants food too!

A human girl and a cat quickly ran to follow Himari to the kitchen. Izumi stared at his sister's figure. He helplessly rubbed his face.

Aye, his sister was really a foodie... He was ashamed to face his teacher...

Ring! Ring!

Izumi quickly took out his phone. Flustered, he almost dropped the phone to the floor.

"Ah, Uncle!"

"How it is? Have you found Chiharu?" His uncle's worried voice sounded in his ears.

"Yes, yes, Chiharu is really at Teacher Kato's home," Izumi quickly reported the actual events, including the fact Chiharu followed a cat from the school until she reached the neighborhood.

A faint laugh came from his uncle's side, "Okay, don't be mad at your sister. Thank God nothing happened to her. Ah, is your teacher there? Let me speak with her."


Izumi walked to the living room. Teacher Kato was arranging plates of dishes on the low table. Chiharu was grinning silly at the sight of the delicious-scented food.

"Teacher, my uncle wants to speak to you," Izumi showed his phone to Himari.

Himari accepted it without thinking. She placed the phone against one ear, "Hello? Kato's here."

"Is that Teacher Kato? Hello, I'm Hayashi Kazuya, Izumi and Chiharu's uncle," The man's low and husky voice came from the end of the line. He calmly introduced himself.

"Yes, I'm Izumi's homeroom teacher. Mr. Hayashi, I'm really sorry. All this happened because of my cat. Please rest assured, Chiharu is safe now."

Even though the cause of this matter was unexpected, Himari still felt bad. She could only blame herself if Chiharu ran into danger in her journey by following Chobi.

"I'm not blaming you," The man laughed easily, "My niece has brought you trouble. I'm a bit busy currently. I'll send my friend to pick them up. Please watch over them for a bit longer, is that alright?"

"Yes, sure," Himari replied seriously, "Please don't worry about them."

"Okay. Please pass the phone to Chiharu, I want to talk to her."

"Wait a minute."

Himari looked at Chiharu, "Your uncle wants to talk to you."

Chiharu quickly took the phone, "Uncle~ Don't be mad. Chiharu knows it's Chiharu's fault~"

Before her uncle started nagging, it was better if she sold her cuteness first.

Sure enough, she could hear her uncle laughing right now.

"You little troublemaker! Listen to the teacher. I'll handle you once you're home. Don't think that I'll just let it go this time."

"Ahhh..." Chiharu sighed.

Her acting cute plan failed!

"Chiharu doesn't want to talk to Uncle! Chiharu wants to eat! Bye-bye!"

Then, she quickly hung up before her uncle could say anything.

Himari was amused. This well-behaved girl was acting spoilt. Either way, she still looked cute.

But, when she thought again, why did their uncle's name sound familiar? Had she mistaken it for someone else?

Himari shrugged indifferently.

"Time to eat," Himari clapped her hands.

"Eat! Eat!"

Chiharu let go of the frustration of being unable to coax her uncle.

It was better to focus on food than wasting it on her stinky uncle!

"Izumi, sit down," Himari put a bowl of rice on a spot next to Chiharu, "I could hear your stomach grumbling."

Izumi smiled with his face flushed. He obediently sat down by his sister's side.


Three humans and one cat ate their lunch. Of course, the cat's lunch was his favorite wet food.

"Delicious! So delicious!" The glutton Chiharu incessantly praised the food. She looked at Himari with a pair of eyes full of worship, "Teacher Kato, you're a good cook! Chiharu loves both Teacher's cake and lunch!"

Himari laughed funnily. This girl really had a sweet little mouth.

"Then, eat more, ah," Himari shook her head while laughing.

Her mood brightened because today, she had people to accompany her to eat.

Izumi shot his sister a helpless glare. Chiharu ignored him. She stretched out her short hand and picked a chicken bite from her elder brother's bowl.

If Big Brother didn't want to eat, just let her ate his portion?

"Seconds!" Chiharu lifted up her empty bowl. Rice grains stuck at a corner of her lips.

"Meow~" More wet food for me too!