He Couldn't Help But Wonder, How Much Longer He Had to Persist?

Inside a two-story villa, a little dumpling was pestering her uncle after dinner.

"Uncle~ Look! Buy Chiharu this! Pretty please?"

Chiharu blinked her round eyes with both of her hands clasping under her chin. Her appearance looked so angelic it almost made Kazuya succumbed to her pressure.

"We haven't done talking about what you did today, my little troublemaker," Kazuya cast a side-long glance at his niece while his hands were busy cutting the roll cake that Chiharu brought back home.

No one knew how surprised he was when Izumi contacted him saying that Chiharu was missing. Although he looked calm on the surface, the waves of concerns and anxiousness surged forth within him.

If anything happened to Chiharu, he wouldn't dare to face his brother again.

"Chiharu knows, it's Chiharu's fault. I'm sorry, Uncle," Chiharu was well-behaved as she once again apologized to her uncle.

Kazuya pursed his lips. He lightly shook his head. With a hand propped on the kitchen island and the other was on his hip, he helplessly stared at Chiharu.

Chiharu had grown up well in these years. Both she and Izumi were healthy and lived in comfort. Kazuya expensed all efforts to make sure this pair of siblings wouldn't lack anything.

"Okay, let's drop this subject. I believe that you won't repeat it again, alright?" Kazuya gave a warning.

"En, en," Chiharu nodded her head again and again.

"Let's eat the cake. But, you could only have a small piece," Kazuya gave his niece a meaningful glance, "Your brother said you've eaten at the teacher's house."

"Hehehe~ Even a small piece is okay," Chiharu quickly climbed on her seat. There was a pink pillow on top of the chair to cater to her height.

Kazuya let out a faint laugh. He placed the plate in front of Chiharu before he sat next to her.

"Is that cake really delicious?" Kazuya watched Chiharu cut the cake with her pink strawberry fork and bit into it.

"Teacher Kato's cakes and cookies are so delicious~" Chiharu kept on praising Himari's culinary skills.

"Don't let the teacher thinks that you're a gluttonous little dumpling," Kazuya had no reservation in chiding his own niece.

"Uncle, have a bite," Chiharu forked a small piece of cake and brought it to Kazuya's mouth.

"En, it's sweet," Kazuya raised up his brows.

He didn't have too many preferences in terms of food. As long as they were delicious, it was enough to cheer him up. No matter it's sweet, spicy or salty food, he enjoyed them all.

"Then, Uncle has to help Chiharu buy something for Teacher Kato," Chiharu snagged the opportunity to make a request.

"To buy something for her?" Kazuya was baffled, "Why? Is this what you've been pestering me for?"

"Hehehe~" The little dumpling didn't look guilty at all.

Chiharu took the catalog she got from Teacher Kato and showed a corner to her uncle.

"Uncle, Chiharu thinks Teacher Kato really wants to buy this lamp," Her small finger was pointing to the photo of the rose quartz crystal lamp. Several circles in red were painted around the photo, "Chiharu wants to buy this lamp as a gift to Teacher Kato."

"Are you serious?" Kazuya looked at the crystal lamp shown by his niece, "What if she actually wants to buy it for someone else as a present?"

"It doesn't matter, ah," Chiharu pouted, "This lamp would look good in Teacher Kato's house. Uncle, buy it, please?~"

Kazuya suppressed a sigh, "Alright, alright. Uncle will find some time to go and buy it."

Since the catalog was for a specific store, it was easy for Kazuya to ask his assistant to buy the lamp for him but, thinking that he had troubled the female teacher because of his niece and nephew, he thought he wanted to get something else together with the crystal lamp.

"Go and brush your teeth," Kazuya picked the empty cake plate and washed it under the running water, "Tomorrow, you're only staying at home with Aunt Mayu, is that clear?"

Chiharu wanted to protest but under her uncle's meaningful smile, she could only agree.

"Oh, okay..." The little dumpling lowered her head and sighed.

Kazuya stifled a laugh. After washing the plate, he brought Chiharu to her bedroom upstairs.

Even though she was only five years old, Chiharu had learned how to take care of herself properly. She climbed on the pink stool and started washing her face and brushing her teeth.

Kazuya waited outside the washroom while Chiharu changing into a set of fluffy bunny pajamas.

"Sleep well, Chiharu," Kazuya switched on the bedside lamp and adjusted its light to the low level.

Orange light with a pinkish hue illuminated the dark bedroom.

"Good night, Uncle," Chiharu hugged her favorite bunny toy and closed her eyes.

It didn't take long for the little one to sleep. Once her head hit the pillow, she entered the dreamland in the next second.

Kazuya silently left the room. He closed the door gently, only leaving a soft thud sound echoed behind. As he turned around, he saw a boy was standing in front of the door of the opposite room.

"Do you have something to tell me, Izumi?" Kazuya softened his voice at the sight of the boy looking uncomfortable.

"Uncle, I'm sorry," Izumi lowered his head. He didn't dare to look at his uncle, "I should take better care of Chiharu."

Kazuya put one hand inside the pocket of his pants. He was silent for a few minutes until Izumi felt anxious.

He didn't have any intention to reprimand his nephew. From the look of it, Izumi was deeply blaming himself for this unexpected matter.

Kazuya knew Izumi as a person. He tended to bear everything himself even though he was still small.

As the boy slowly lifted up his head to look at his uncle, Kazuya gave him a head pat.

"As long as you know what you should pay attention to," Kazuya said softly.

Izumi nodded.

He knew he had to take care of Chiharu. He couldn't always depend on his uncle.

"Stop thinking about it," Kazuya laughed, "Uncle is to blame as well because I allowed Chiharu to follow you to the school. You must be tired, go to bed now."

"En, good night, Uncle," Izumi smiled bashfully.

"Good night."

Kazuya patted the boy's shoulders twice before he made his way to the study.

The lights inside the villa were mostly switched off, aside from the one lighting inside the study. Kazuya was completing his job that got distracted because of Chiharu's going missing.

"I really hope to have a vacation soon," Kazuya leaned back against the swivel chair, "One shouldn't only know to work."

If this was him from before, he would balance his working life as well as enjoying what he loved.

But, he didn't have the luxury to do so for the time being.

"Even a short vacation could do," Kazuya sighed again.

He was not like his brother who was a workaholic.

At midnight, Kazuya switched off the light of the study and went to bed. As his figure passed by the windows overlooking the yard, he stopped.

It had been three years.

He didn't expect hundreds of nights had passed ever since the night the tragedy occurred.

Kazuya heaved a sigh. He rubbed his face helplessly.

He couldn't help but wonder, how much longer he had to persist?

"Ah, it's better if I just think of sleeping," Kazuya scratched his head. He let out a yawn, showing how sleepy he was.

While the villa turned quieter as the night grew long, Yuina was still staying up all night.

Sakuya Residence.

Ryuu texted her, saying he was on his way home. Yuina kept her sleepiness at bay while she was anxiously waiting for him.

After waiting for a long time, the door was finally opened.


Her husband who had been busy for the last two weeks finally appeared in front of her.

"My love, you're waiting for me?" Ryuu was beaming with a smile.

"Hehe, welcome home," Yuina didn't act reserve. She pounced on him, her long feet dangled in the air, "I missed you so much."

Ryuu's smile dropped. He carefully supported his wife and lowered her to the floor.

"I'm sorry, I've been so busy lately," Ryuu fiddled with Yuina's fingers. He didn't remember the last time he could hold her hands like this, "I've just returned but, I have to go abroad tomorrow."

"It's okay," Her answer was really different from how she felt. Yuina reassured her husband with a smile, "At least, I could see you before you go to France."

Ryuu's eyes twinkled with mischief.

"Then, we have to make full use of our time together," He whispered by her right ear, "Am I right?"

Yuina's face flushed red at the underlying meaning of his words. With a face as red as a cooked shrimp, she slowly hooked her arms around Ryuu's neck and dropped a kiss on his chin.

"En," She murmured, "Yes, let's make full use of it."

Ryuu chuckled lowly in contentment. He scooped his wife up and he quickly dashed upstairs.

Throughout the night, Yuina forgot the bitterness she pressed down in her heart as she was being indulged by her beloved.