I Should Have Paid More Attention to Him

The man's words struck a chord to him.

"Yes, you are right," President Kasai nodded his head. He smiled bitterly at Kazuya, "I envy you, Mr. Hayashi. You could cultivate your nephew well even though... en, I think I should go now. I have to look for that brat of mine first."

President Kasai paused and changed his words when he realized he had almost mentioned something he shouldn't in front of the young Izumi.

Before he left, he profusely apologized for causing trouble to the teachers. The discipline teacher was elated when the president suddenly announced he would give more funding in building the new art center for the school as his apology.

This was a blessing in disguise, ah!

While Teacher Ayase talked with the mothers of Yuuto's little followers, Himari sent Izumi and Kazuya out of the waiting room.

"Your face is still dirty. Your uniform too," Himari glanced at the boy's unkempt appearance, "You should take a shower at the shower room. Do you have any spare clothes here?"

The boys fought until they rolled on the ground. It was an understatement to say Izumi looked messy.

There were specks of dirt all over his hair as well as his entire uniform.

"I've brought my PE suit," Izumi answered with his face flushed red.

Even though if Teacher Kato didn't mention it, he still wanted to ask for him to go wash himself. It would be embarrassing if he returned to the class in this messy state.

"It's self-study period. Take your time," Himari gave him permission.

Izumi thanked her before he quickly left. After two steps, he stopped, looked back and stared at his uncle.

"What?" Kazuya raised up his brows.

Izumi blushed. He smiled timidly, "Thank you, Uncle."

"You still have a lot to explain once we're home," He threw him a smirk.

"Hehe," Izumi laughed, "Okay."

Soon, Izumi regained his steps. He was heading to the shower room that was allocated for the students. Before that, he went to retrieve his PE jersey suit from his locker.

Only Himari and Kazuya were left inside the quiet hallway.

Himari pondered for a second, turned toward the man and asked, "Mr. Hayashi, if you're not busy, would you like to have a cup of tea first?"

"I'd love to," Kazuya smiled while throwing the image of his working desk filled with stacks of papers to the back of his mind.

Himari brought him to the guest's lounge. It was different from the lounge that was assigned to the teachers. She invited Kazuya to sit at one of the round tables before she made two cups of tea for them.

Steam began to swirl above the cups. Himari's eyes fell on the clear brownish color of the tea. She placed a cup in front of the man.

"First, I'm sorry," Himari lifted up her gaze from the cup. A sense of uneasiness creased her brows, showing she felt guilty over the matter that had transpired.

"Why do you apologize to me?" Kazuya softened his voice as he asked, "It's not like this is your fault. The boys got into a fight because of themselves. Even Izumi has his own share of fault in this matter."

"It's not that..." Himari pursed her lips. She hesitated. Her voice turned quieter yet her gaze was still fixed on the man's face.

She confessed, "Actually, I've suspected that Izumi was being bullied but, my late actions caused it to reach this stage."

"Pardon?" Kazuya's smile froze.

Himari recounted her assumptions starting from the frequently changing workbooks of Izumi. She also brought up the matter when Izumi didn't finish his homework before.

At first, she only thought it might be something so insignificant but, who knew he was really being bullied by another student.

"I should have paid more attention to him," Himari bowed her head to the man sitting opposite her, "I'm sorry, Mr. Hayashi."

In her previous school, she had never encountered a bully case herself. Mostly it happened in another class. When this matter unfolded, she really didn't know how to face it.

Should she be direct with the student or should she tackle the problem bit by bit?

She was so grateful that it was not too late. Himari didn't want this case turned severe like in other schools.

There were cases of students being bullied until they had to change schools.

There were also cases when the bullied students got traumatized until their parents had to seek psychologists for help.

Kazuya didn't give any response. His eyes sank because this matter was due to his own negligence as well.

After a long stretch of silence, he opened his mouth.

"If you think you're at fault, then, what about me?"

Although his voice sounded so soft, the melancholy tinged in it was evident to Himari.

Himari carefully took in the man's expression.

There was an indescribable sadness hidden behind his calm gaze.

She didn't speak. She just waited for him to continue.

"Yesterday, you must have been shocked by what Izumi said, right?"

Himari was baffled by the sudden change of focus in their conversation. Her mind quickly recalled what happened yesterday.

"Yes..." She nodded, "Izumi said about his father... But, instead of in a hospital, isn't his father supposed to be abroad currently?"

"That's what the records say," Kazuya brushed his thumb over the slim handle of the teacup, "It's just to conceal about his father's real condition. In actuality, my brother, Izumi and Chiharu's father, has been in the hospital for three years."

"Three years?" Himari gasped. Her eyes widened in horror.

How could that be?

Kazuya lifted up his gaze from the teacup to her. With a slight tilt of his head, he smiled faintly.

"My brother has been living with life support," He began telling her what was hidden from most people.

Himari was quiet as she listened to him intently.

"His wife has already died. Except for me, there's no one to properly take care of the siblings but," Kazuya paused. He drew a heavy breath, "I've been too busy with my brother's company. Although I try making time for them, I know they need more attention from me. They're in the phase of growing up after all."

He had always feel sorry for his nephew and niece. They couldn't grow up like how most children could.

If he was not there for them, they would experience what he and his brother did in their early years.

That was why he persevered by putting the children under his custody despite countless people's disapproval.

Himari was at a loss for words. Never did she expect the siblings had experienced so much even though they were so little.

She knew about their mother's death but... to have their father on life support, wasn't it mean the man's probability to return to normal was only half? Or even lower?

A chilling sensation ran down her spine. Himari shuddered at the thought.

"I don't know if my decision to take care of them is right or wrong. I just do not want them to be separated. My sister-in-law's parents are still grieving. Until now, they are reluctant to see the siblings because they would only remind them of their dead daughter."

As for his own parents...

Kazuya sneered inwardly.


They only cared about the benefits they could get by taking care of the young siblings.

If possible, he really didn't want the siblings to come into contact with such people.

Ring~ Ring~

A sudden phone call shattered the depressing atmosphere among them.

Kazuya made a gesture to Himari before he picked up the call. He exchanged a few words with the caller. His expression turned stern after a few couples of words.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Kato. Work's calling," Kazuya focused back on the young teacher after he ended the call.

"Ah, it's okay. You must have come here in a hurry," Himari stood up once she saw the man got off of his seat.

Kazuya gave her a lopsided grin, "Well, since I'm the slave for the company, there's nothing much I could do."

Himari laughed lightly.

She sent him to the staircase leading downstairs.

"Thank you, Teacher Kato, for helping Izumi," Kazuya was so grateful because even though Yuuto's father was a formidable man, Teacher Kato and the rest of the teachers didn't choose to blindly support the boy.

"I'm just doing my job," Himari replied.

"Okay, then, I'll be going now."

"Bye. Be careful on the road.."

Himari was confused when Kazuya, who was walking a few steps down the stairs, suddenly stopped before turning around to look at her.

"Do you forget something?" Did he want her to send a message to Izumi?

Kazuya pondered for a second before he voiced out his thoughts.

"I'll come to pick Izumi and Chiharu this evening. Chiharu wants to eat at a restaurant near Kaiyo River. If it's possible, would you like to join us for dinner?"

"Ah, me?" Himari was suddenly baffled by the invitation. Even though this was not the first time she received it, she still felt a bit confused.

Kazuya nodded, "Those brats of mine have always been a trouble to you. It's my intention to treat you to a meal. What do you think?"

The offer sounded so tempting. Moreover, Nanako had been telling her that the cherry blossoms view at Kaiyo River had reached its peak. It didn't sound bad to go there.

She also didn't feel as awkward as she did with Mr. Hayashi as before.

"Then, I'll accept your invitation," Himari's eyes gleamed softly, "I won't say no to a free meal."

Kazuya let out a chuckle.

"Okay, I'll call you later. See you again," He waved his hand at her with a smile.

Himari waved back, "See you again."