Even So, I Feel Like I'm Just Using You

Himari was energized after spending time with her friends and the children. Although she was dreading the incoming reunion that would be held end of this week, she tried to not focus on that. She also still didn't join the group chat.

Any other information regarding the reunion would be conveyed by Nanako.

Before she got out of the car once Kazuya stopped in front of the apartment building, Himari stayed for a bit and talked to Kazuya.

Both Chiharu and Izumi were sleeping in the backseat. They were exhausted even though they didn't stay at the park until late. It was highly likely that they would continue sleeping once they were home.

As for Chobi, he was sprawling inside the carrier with his eyes staring at the outside of the car windows.


The sun was still brightly shining on the sky. The time was just a little over two o'clock.

"Kazuya, are you really okay? People would misunderstand us, you know," Himari was nervous when she brought up the subject.

They had just been friends. Why did he offer such help? It would just be a burden on him.

Kazuya gave her a laugh, "It's nothing, really. People have been thinking that we are family already. It's awkward but, I don't mind much. Unless either one of us is in a commitment with someone. Do you have it, that someone?"

The last sentence was said in a low voice. His eyes were imperceptible as he continued staring at her.

"I don't have one," She shook her head.

"So do I," Kazuya laughed again, "Relax."

Himari smiled faintly. She was still uncomfortable as she thought of the selfish thought making a way into her mind.

"Even so, I feel like I'm just using you," She sighed.

Kazuya leaned his back against the car seat. With one elbow propped up on the window, he rested his head on the back of his hand. Lips curling up, he asked, "Why do you think so? Would you tell me? The part of you using me."

Himari paused, thinking for a moment then nodded.

"Well, I... The reason why I actually reluctant to go to the reunion, it's not just because I'm not on good terms with my classmates but... I don't want to meet someone."

A light flickered in his eyes as Kazuya thought of his guess.

He opened his mouth. Words flowed out between his lips.

"Your ex-boyfriend? Or, your crush from high school?"

Himari froze.

"You... could you read people's minds?" Her eyes were wide as she incredulously looked at him.

Kazuya shook with laughter.

How could she think that way?

Before Chiharu and Izumi could wake up because of his laugh, Kazuya quickly died it down. With a smirk, he replied, "Well, I have the same ability as Professor X. Reading minds is just a simple thing to me."

This time, it was Himari's turn to laugh.

Somehow, her uneasiness gradually dispersed.

Seeing that he could accurately guess about her worries, Himari thought it wasn't too forward for her to share anything else next.

The time they got to know each other was short but, she didn't feel too awkward with him.

"It's my ex-boyfriend, the one that I do not want to meet," She finally told him the truth, "But, he'd appear at the reunion. I don't want to make it seem like I'm avoiding him yet, I'm uneasy to meet him again after all these years."

Himari pursed her lips. Her eyes drooped as she blankly gazed at her hands that were clenching her knees.

Her downcast look erased his smile.

"Was it a bad breakup?" He whispered as if he didn't really want to ask the question.

A bad breakup... It wasn't like he hadn't experienced it one himself.

Himari smiled bitterly, "It happened too suddenly. You can say so."

"He dumped you?" Kazuya frowned.

Himari shook her head. "Actually, I was the one who asked for the breakup."

"Can I ask why?" Kazuya asked again.

For her to initiate the separation, he wondered what was the reason.

Himari let out a laugh but her heart was aching when she recalled the humiliation she received from Jun's mother. She said truthfully, "Family's opposition. I'm not good enough for him. What's laughable now, that hotel..."

The memory of that night three years ago resurfaced in her mind. The light in her eyes further dimming.

Kazuya was alerted when he heard the word, "A hotel? Which one?"

Himari laughed in self-ridicule, "The hotel where we would have the reunion was the place where I broke up with him three years ago. Crowne Hotel."

"What?" Kazuya's voice raised in alarm.

Crowne Hotel, that hotel...

A vague guess slowly materialized inside his head.

Did the night they met that year... was on the very same night she broke up with her boyfriend?

Kazuya was speechless by his own conjecture.

Bit by bit, the blurred images of that night came to him. In the end, they stopped at where she was crying in her sleep.

It really happened on that night.

For a reason unknown to him, Kazuya felt an indescribable sense of helplessness. His gaze toward her bore a complicated look.

Himari felt weird at his change of expression.

Ladened with confusion, she blankly looked at him, "Kazuya? Why do you look so surprised?"

Kazuya got caught off guard by the question. He pulled himself together. With a shake of his head, he smiled faintly, "Ah, nothing. It's just... I have a quite strange memory of that hotel as well."

"You do?"

"En," He nodded.

Himari blinked then her initially downhearted look lit up with a smile on her face.

"Haha, it's like we're destined to be friends. What's wrong with that hotel for us to have strange memories at the place?" Himari tilted her head, feeling amused over the coincidence.

She couldn't help but wonder, did he have such a painful experience at the hotel like her?

"Then, are you really okay going to the reunion?" Kazuya focused back on the main subject.

His question made Himari quiet once again.

"...I don't know. Well, I guess I only have to tough it up, isn't it?"

Despite her lips curling up into a smile, he could see the sorrow she tried to hide.

"You'll do great," Kazuya straightened up his posture. His eyes bent slightly as he smiled at her, "Don't let what the people have said or might bother you. It's hard but, it's not worth it to pay your attention to them."

The comments he read under the post made by Himari's best friend earlier were terrible. If they could openly write such comments like that, it was hard to believe that they would treat Himari well during the reunion.

He hoped it was just a small portion of her classmates.

"I've said it, haven't I? I'll go there just for food and drinks," Himari winked.

Kazuya let out a chuckle. His smile deepened.

"Alright. There are still days before the reunion. Don't fret over it."

"Hehe, okay," Himari nodded, "Thanks, Kazuya."

Kazuya answered her with a smile.

Then, Himari took the picnic basket and the carrier before she made her way inside the apartment building. Before she entered the hallway that connecting to the staircase, she looked back and waved at the man who was sitting inside the car.

Kazuya waved at her back.

Himari turned around, heading to her home.

Today was a good day, she secretly thought.

While Himari was already getting ready to take a nap after returning from the picnic, Kazuya and the two children had just arrived home.

"Hurm... Hurm... Uncle, where's Teacher Kato?"

The little dumpling Chiharu didn't forget to ask about her Goddess of Cooking even when she was still groggy.

Kazuya didn't act reserve. He patted the little dumpling's bum and gave her a meaningful glance, "You little foodie! Teacher Kato has long arrived at her home. You just know to wake up now?"

"Aaaa," Chiharu tilted her chin high. Her chubby hands started to rub her eyes a few times. After blinking a few times, she looked back at her uncle with narrowed eyes, "Then, why didn't Uncle let Chiharu follow Teacher Kato home? Chiharu could play longer with Chobi and eat dinner makes by Teacher Kato!"

Kazuya almost choked.

This glutton... Didn't she has any ounce of shame?

While the uncle and niece were bickering, Izumi brought his bag out from the car. He glanced at his uncle then, his little sister.

"Chiharu, are you happy today?"

Izumi's question attracted their attention.

"Are you happy playing with Teacher Kato and Chobi?" He asked again.

The little girl's eyes twinkled brightly. She nodded her head at her brother a few times, letting her twin ponytails dangling in the air.

"Happy! Very happy! Hehehe~ Chiharu's dress is matchy-matchy with Teacher Kato and, and Chiharu got to ride a boat with Uncle and Teacher Kato!"

After speaking, the little dumpling grinned at her uncle. She stretched out her chubby hands and hooked her little arms around Kazuya's neck.

In the next second, a smooch was plastered on the man's cheek.

Kazuya was stunned.

"Uncle, thank you~ Chiharu is so happy today, hehehe~"

She got to ride a boat together with her uncle and Teacher Kato.

Even though it was different from having her Mama and Papa, it was good already.

Kazuya felt contradictory feelings within him. While his heart melted due to the little dumpling's cute antics, he felt a lump in his throat as he understood what Chiharu actually meant.

"Uncle is glad... That Chiharu is happy."

Kazuya hugged the little dumpling, letting Chiharu nestling in his arms comfortably. The little one's bubbly laughter echoed from his chest as Chiharu pressed her face on him.