The Aspirations Will Help to Mold You into Who You Really Are

Jun sat in between his friends. A complicated feeling loomed over him.

This was the first time they met after the painful breakup.

Even though he still hadn't got a chance to go to her, he could say that the girl he loved had bloomed into a beautiful flower.

Her childlike features from before had matured a bit, giving additional grace to her beauty.

Himari wasn't an exceptional beauty. She had never entered someone's mind every time they talked about who was the most beautiful girl in school but, somehow, she still bedazzled him.

Until now.

"Hey, Jun, you don't even listen to what I've been talking about!" A man's voice came from his right side, startling Jun.

"Ah, sorry... What do you say?" Jun shifted his gaze from Himari who was smiling at Nanako while talking to his friend. A look of regret flashed in his eyes.

"The program development of..."

Even though he was with his friends, from time to time he would still sneak a glance at the young lady who was still enthroned in his heart.

Why did she look so happy when she was texting on the phone earlier?

Was she communicating with a man?

Was he the man he saw in the photos the other day?

She just did it to provoke him, right?

She wasn't being truthful when she said she no longer wanted him, wasn't it?

While Jun was immersed in his own thoughts and fantasy, Himari got up from her seat.

"Teacher Takaki is alone now. I want to go and talk to her," She said to Nanako.

"Alright. Go ahead," Nanako waved her hand at Himari as she was busy finishing the fruit tarts that she got earlier.

Himari grabbed a small paper bag that she brought along with her sling bag. She slowly made her way to Teacher Takaki who was sipping a cup of tea. The retired teacher smiled and laughed from time to time as she watched her students having fun on the stage.

Some were singing while some were just playing around.

Even though almost eight years had passed since they graduated from high school, in her eyes, they were still her students who brimming with youthfulness.

"Teacher Takaki, hello," Himari greeted her politely.

The retired teacher tilted up her head, looking straight at the young lady in front of her before her smile softened.

"Himari, come, sit next to me," Teacher Takaki patted on an empty spot beside her.

Himari curled up her lips. She sat next to the old lady, reached out both hands that were holding the paper bag and said, "Teacher, I remember that you used to like my oatmeal pecan snowball cookies. Would you love to have some?"

The teacher's eyes were gentle. She took the bag from Himari, "I still remember the taste until now. Thank you."

One day in high school, Himari who had just returned home from her hometown, brought along a jar of snowball cookies with her. She was finishing her English homework alone in the library since Nanako had gone home. While she was sneakily eating the cookies, Teacher Takaki came to her.

To avoid the teacher reporting to the librarian, Himari shoved the jar to her as if she wanted to bribe Teacher Takaki with the cookies.

In the end, Teacher Takaki laughed quietly.

It was the first time Himari had a private meeting with the English teacher. Since then, she often went to Teacher Takaki whenever she had problems with her English homework.

"We, the Japanese, are proud of our own language but, we couldn't deny the fact that English is universal. Do you know, our writer Murakami Haruki once quoted, 'Learning another language is like becoming another person'. An American writer, Rita Mae Brown said, 'Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come and from where they are going'. These emphasized how important languages are."

"If you really loved learning English as your second language, go for it. You could see a whole new world because of it and I would always root for you."

Those were Teacher Takaki's words the first time Himari mentioned becoming an English teacher. Teacher Takaki didn't push her to go to bigger career paths. She was more than happy when Himari said she wanted to be a teacher.

"Our job might look insignificant to people who earn tens of thousands every month but, if you put your heart and soul into it, you might change how a child lives for the better."

Himari was deeply entranced by her words of encouragement.

Like how Teacher Takaki was so dear to her students, she wanted to be a teacher like her too.

"How are your students? Are they good to you?"

Teacher Takaki looked at her student who was pouring more tea into the empty teacup. This student of hers was among the ones she admired and remembered the most.

"Aside from being mischievous brats, they are fine," Himari answered with laughter.

"Haha, I have more experience in that matter for decades," Teacher Takaki joined her in laughing.

Himari didn't always contact Teacher Takaki nor did she frequently met her but, she didn't feel awkward when she saw her favorite teacher here again. She had to properly make time with her before she had to go back home.

"You asked me about my students but, how about your life, Teacher Takaki? Does everything is good?"

"Well, everything is good aside from the occasional back pain that comes because of my advanced age," replied Teacher Takaki jokingly.

Himari burst into another peal of laughter.

Teacher Takaki moved her gaze to her other students, staring at them one by one. In front of Himari, she let out a contented sigh.

"Whenever I see that my students grow up, I'd always think of the days when they were young," Faint melancholy tinged in her voice as Teacher Takaki fondly looked at her students, "I hope the short years in schools would teach them how to maneuver their ways until the end of their life journey."

That was what she always wished for her students, no matter if they were good students, bad students, students with good grades or students who couldn't excel in academics.

"And I hope to be a teacher like you, Teacher Takaki," Himari whispered in a smile.

Teacher Takaki chuckled softly. She retrieved her gaze and shifted it to Himari, "Like how every student is unique, every teacher is unique as well. You may admire others but, the aspirations would help to mold you into who you really are."

The teacher and student smiled at one another. Only harmony and warmth flowed out of their eyes.

Teacher Takaki didn't stay until late because of her old age. Although earlier she was escorted by Jun, in actuality her son was here. He was just waiting downstairs.

After being called, he came to pick his mother up.

"Teacher, stay safe wherever you are. I'd always pray for your good health."

Himari was a bit reluctant to part from the teacher who guided her since the first day they met. It was a pity that she could only talk with her for a little.

"If you have something troubling you, don't hesitate to call me," Teacher Takaki comforted Himari with a smile, "Also, I could send you my address if you want to send more cookies to me."

Himari's downcast expression brightened as she laughed.

"Hehe, I could do that."

The other classmates of hers also came to send their teacher off the door. Even though they had taken many photos before including a group shot, they still felt bad to say goodbye to their beloved teacher.

"Teacher, let's do this more often. We should always meet."

"Hah! Do you want think Teacher Takaki wants to listen to your sad love stories? In your dreams!"

"Teacher, if we ever went to your town, we will contact you, okay?"

"Be careful, always! Teacher, don't forget about your age. Don't be too impulsive and suddenly go for a long walk without telling your son!"

The crowd burst into good-hearted laughter. After another moment of goodbyes, Teacher Takaki finally left with her son.

"Do you have a good talk with Teacher Takaki?" Nanako asked as she and Himari returned to their table.

"En," Himari smiled, "As always, she is full of wisdom."

Her classmates were still having fun in a full swing yet Himari had started tidying up her belongings. Seeing that her friend was getting ready to leave, Nanako felt weird.

"You're going home already? Don't go yet. I could send you home."

"It's okay. I have something else before going home," answered Himari while she opened the chat with Kazuya.

She sent him two messages.

[Himari: Sorry for being late. My teacher has just gone]

[Himari: Where should we meet? At the lobby?]

"Where else would you go at this time of night?" Nanako asked dubiously. Then, her expression changed. She lowered her voice, "Are you avoiding him?"