Perfume. Chiharu Wants to Smell Good too!

"Uncle~ Do Chiharu's hair!"

Kazuya had just put up the watch around his wrist when a dumpling suddenly barged into his room. 

With a helpless gaze, he looked at Chiharu whose hair fell behind her tiny shoulders. For dinner tonight, she wore a lilac-colored dress. The dress was newly bought by Kazuya during one of their recent shopping trips.

"Come here. How do you like your hair?" Kazuya picked a brush from the vanity table and beckoned at Chiharu to come closer.

"Hehehe~ In buns. Make two buns~"

Chiharu giggled as she made her way to her uncle. She climbed on the stool in front of the vanity table and sat still. Her short legs dangled from the stool. Her hands handed two purple-colored hair ties to the man sitting behind her.

Kazuya parted the dumpling's hair into two after brushing the dark locks. His fingers deftly working to make sure two cute and neat buns popped on the dumpling's head.