Praising My Own Self is Self-Love, Ah

The next day came without any delay even though there were people facing problems or having the time of their lives the day before.

All of them went through the motion of their lives.

Kazuya was not in a good mood after coming back from bringing the children to meet his mother.

The thought of his mother would remain in the country longer than usual was enough to give him a headache.

Moreover, there was also a mention of her...

Yet, even though his spirit was low, Kazuya still remembered that he wanted to bring the children to the amusement park today. He had delayed it for a day. If he didn't fulfill it today, Chiharu would mope with him again.

But, instead of only went for a day trip, Kazuya booked a hotel room at the amusement park for two days and one night. He was lucky because the hotel still had a few vacant rooms left during the holiday season.