Wasn't it Too Late Already? Or, Maybe Not?

Madam Tokioka brought the three of them for a brief tour of her studio. She showed them the place where her staff worked, the prototype display room, her own workshop as well as the lounge where they could rest. 

Throughout the entire tour, Kazuya and Izumi kept their silence while Chiharu bounced with energy as she kept asking questions to her grandmother.

"Grandma, this red stone is so pretty like a rose!"

"Are those too sharp, Grandma? Do you use them to cut the stones? Chiharu saw on the TV before ah."

"Wow! These bracelets are so tiny oh~ Can Chiharu touch them?"

Everything caught the dumpling's eyes. She didn't stop looking around her every time she saw an object that was new and unknown to her. The little one felt like she had stepped into a whole new world by just touring in the studio.

"Have the tea and desserts."

After they ended the quick studio tour, Madam Tokioka led them to the lounge.