Sweetened Your Dreams Tonight by Dreaming of Me

Since Himari knew how well Kazuya would put focus on his job without considering his own health, she really hoped he would listen to her worries. It was already commendable that he was able to stay healthy despite all the busy schedule.

But, another concern sprouted within her as they were talking on the phone earlier.

At the same time, Himari wished Kazuya didn't feel annoyed with her constant reminders.

In the end, Himari shook her head, chasing the worries away from her mind.

"Hurm, it's better if I go to sleep."

Himari switched off the lights in the living room and the kitchen, leaving only the one hanging above the entryway to stay open. She entered the washroom, washed her face then went inside the bedroom.

A certain fat cat was lying in the middle of the bed, treating the bed as his own possession.

Himari looked at Chobi with disdain, "Go away, Chobi. You already have your own bed."