I Feel Like Just Holing Inside This Room With You

The Saturday sky was bright on the day Kazuya brought Himari to the beach.

They departed there as early as eight o'clock in the morning. Only the two of them were in the car as Chiharu and Izumi were put under Aunt Mayu's care. As for Chobi, he willingly stayed with his girlfriend's family, Aunt Mio's.

"I'm glad the weather is so nice," Himari wound down the window. The breeze tousled her ponytail, carrying the salty scent of the sea to her nose, "Hurm, I wonder how many people would be at the beach?"

Summer break would start in less than three weeks. The summer attractions would be brimmed with visitors at that time as the families brought their children out as well as the gathering of friends.

"Himari, we've nearly arrived," said Kazuya from the driver's seat.

Himari pulled her gaze away from her side, looking in front of the car.