Did You Go to Coat Your Tongue with Honey?

The morning was beautiful, that was what Kazuya thought when he woke up at dawn. 

The sky at sunrise was dazzling. The idea of having a stroll with Himari at this hour was tempting but Kazuya dropped the idea. He didn't have the heart to wake her up, not when she was still sleeping sweetly next to him.

It was a day that he thought would still be far away before he could achieve it.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw her.

Kazuya smiled faintly. He lifted up the hand that was draping over her waist then gently stroked her face, brushing his fingertips over her skin.

This was the one he loved.

"Ah, right..." 

Kazuya quietly got up. He bent down, reaching out for the drawer of the bedside table. From there, he took out a jewelry box.

"How could I forget last night?"