You Can Date and Marry But He Can't?

The videos of Film Emperor Ishizaki Ryuu's press conference kept circulating on the online news platforms all night. The views of the fans, anti-fans and netizens were all divided.

The type of fans who only wanted their favorite idols to be theirs felt so betrayed by the news of his hidden marriage. They swore to never like or support such a liar anymore.


[All of that money and years are wasted! I regret supporting you!]

[He should know that once he entered this industry, he has to cut off his ties with any witch that clings to him, so disappointed]

[He just treats us as money-making tools. This type of scum should be burned like trash!]

Even though the vicious ones were so angry, the ones who appreciated Ishizaki Ryuu's dazzling performance until now didn't feel that way. They were more mature, saying if they were in the film emperor's shoes, they would do the same to protect the ones that they loved.