I'll Show You that No Man Can be Compared to You

Throughout the duration of their relationship until now, Himari had never thought Kazuya wasn't deserving of her. In fact, if she wanted to be honest about it, her man's worth was way higher than hers.

But, still, this same man thought otherwise.

Just because Jun appeared to possess more than him, either on social standing or financial ability, Kazuya felt he was inferior.

Himari was still gently caressing her man's hair while Kazuya nuzzled against her shoulders. His arms around her body were strong.

"Whenever you feel this way, talk to me about it," Himari dropped another kiss on Kazuya's head, "I'll show you that no other man could be compared to you, not even my previous lover."

A gust of warm breath tickled her skin when he let out a deep sigh.

"...I'm so pathetic to whine about this kind of thing," Kazuya mumbled in dejection.