Stop Dragging Her Into Everything, Okay?

The couple spent more time alone at the poolside until the air getting chillier. 

"We should head to bed now," Kazuya pulled Himari's right arm while the other hand grabbed her waist, "The children want to play at the beach once more before we go back."

Himari grinned, "If you dare to try to throw me into the water again, I'll pull you in with me."

Kazuya laughed at the memory.

"I'd be more than please if you do so."

Himari threw him a glare yet the man just laughed more.

Kazuya let the towel draped on Himari's shoulders. When he turned around, he almost flinched when a touch landed on his back.

Both of them were quiet when Himari traced the tattoo with her fingertips. 

Somehow, Kazuya felt her fingertips were hot as if they seeped heat into his skin.


Himari quickly retracted her hand. She coughed once, a blush spread on her face.

"I'm just wondering... Does your tattoo has any meaning?"