Did that Ancestor Wanna Complain About Something?

Ryuu didn't understand why did his dear wife had been avoiding him for a few days already. It started from the time when he returned after showering due to the scene that got him all dirty with mud.

He still remembered how dumbfounded he was when Yuina suddenly fled. She didn't even give him one last look.

Approximately, it began three days ago.

It was already hard enough for Ryuu to sneak some time to stay with her but, Yuina often ran away, giving excuses she had tasks to do.

He couldn't even hold her soft hands!

Today was the same.

Ryuu had just finished acting for a scene. He got quite some free time before Director Aoyama called him back. The rest of the crew members also were enjoying their lunch.

Ryuu sat alone at one corner of the canopy tent. He gave off an oppressive aura that forbade people from coming closer thus they just left him alone.

"Did that girl Riku really make Yuina work hard?"