To Disperse Them Also Needed Time And Courage

To be honest, Ryuu was a bit skeptical of the possibility Yuina purposely left the bread and milk there for him. But, because he was so hungry after waking up from his nap, he finished them in minutes.

The bread and milk felt sweeter to him who was enduring hunger. 

The second time Ryuu saw Yuina was when a group of school hooligans surrounded her one evening. He got a few injuries before Hiro, Yuina's cousin came and chased the hooligans away.

"Well, take it as me paying you back for the bread and milk."

That was Ryuu's response when Yuina anxiously asked him to treat his wounds. 

Both of them didn't get close instantly but, over time, the invisible wall between them collapsed bit by bit. Hiro also got closer to Ryuu despite the former being a reckless student too.

There was a time when Ryuu asked why did Yuina leave the bread and milk for him on that day?