If Only He Could Shred Those People to Pieces


"The vehicles crashed! Call for help!"

"Mommy! Mommy! It's scary!"

"Move away! Move away! They might explode!"

"Hey! They need help!"

The mixture of countless shouting and loud sirens blaring together escalated Yuina's fear. All she could see in front of her was the scene of an accident. 

Yuina was standing alone, watching two crash vehicles in the middle of the road. People were running here and there, asking for help and crying in fear. 

"...what is this?"

Yuina turned her head around, trying to drag her feet away from the chaos. Yet, the same scene was replicated no matter where her eyes landed. 

She couldn't escape even if she wanted to.

At that time, a swirl of black smoke rose up from her feet. Yuina looked down. The swirls were getting bigger and bigger as if they were ready to swallow her whole.

A hole was opened. 

Yuina screamed.
