My Honeymoon Dreams Are Still Far Off

"You're going to do a conference? To clarify the rumors?"

"Yes, I'll do it once the detective gives me green light."

Himari's surprised questions were answered calmly by Yuina.

The two ladies were inside the latter's private ward.

Himari came to visit after dinner, sitting in a wheelchair because of her husband's insistence. She was still required to stay in the hospital until the day after tomorrow.

Himari was transferred to another ward on the same VIP floor as Yuina. In this way, the guards could also keep watch because there was a possibility of the paparazzi trying to find Himari too. 

While the two ladies had time for themselves, the husbands waited outside. 

"Still... I'm glad that you look better than I thought," sighed Himari in relief, "When I saw those kidnappers took you away yesterday... I was afraid it would be the last I saw you."

The confession made Yuina smile in helplessness.