I Won't Give Him the Honor

The next morning, Himari woke up to see Kazuya had just finished packing their suitcase. While rubbing her eyes, she lazily rolled on the mattress before she got to the edge of the bed.

"I can pack myself," said Himari. She stifled a yawn.

Kazuya smiled. He approached his wife. His lips fell on her forehead, "Morning, my sleepyhead. Get up. The breakfast's ready."

Himari forced herself out of the bed. She shuddered slightly due to the cold weather.

Early autumn's weather was so temperamental. At times, it was hot for a second before suddenly turning cold. As the autumn rainy season came closer, the temperature would gradually turn lower. 

"Where are we going?" asked Himari.

She forgot to ask the important question last night. It was already eight o'clock in the morning.

"You'll know once we've arrived," answered Kazuya, "Hurry up, get ready."
