The Little Something Touched Her Heart

Inside a baby clothes shop, Himari stood in front of a display. The teeny-tiny clothes for babies under six months old captured her heart. She smiled happily as she held one of the clothes.

"Hey, do you wanna get something?" asked Nanako who approached Himari with one paper bag from the store.

Himari let out a chuckle, "Should I buy a few baby clothes for you? They are so cute!"

Nanako rolled her eyes. She nudged her elbow to her friend, "I don't want baby clothes. Just sponsor me a full-body spa trip after I give birth."

"Hahaha! Ask one from your wealthy husband ah," replied Himari. She put down the baby clothes back in their place.

Her heart fluttered when she was reminded of the outfits' cuteness. 

The two friends exited the shop. They headed to one of the mall's cafes to relieve their thirst. Along the way, they saw splendid Christmas decorations adorning the place.