Evy was a small girl, so to throw a whole man over her shoulder was surprising for all who were concentrated on them. However, Evy did not mind them, as she smiled at her two companions. "Then, shall we?"

Almathea managed to bob her head up and down, and pulled Zingel along with her to follow behind Evy who had already gone into the building. Zingel clutched onto the hat that was on his head, preventing it from falling off. He could feel his ears still popping out from his head after all.

Evy stopped in front of the receptionist's desk and placed her palm on the table. Her dark curly hair swished over her forehead as she looked down at the papers that were on the table. However, since she could not read, she turned to Almathea and beckoned at her. Almathea pulled Zingel with her and they stopped next to Evy.

Evy picked up one of the papers and showed her, "What does this say?" She spoke in a low voice, only allowing Almathea to hear her.

"Hiring Mercenaries." Almathea began to read, "Requirements, must have attended Reishana Academy for at least two years. Minimum age seventeen seasons. Must be adept in using any type of weapon in order to protect themselves."

"These are the only requirements?" Evy whispered.

"Mhm." Almathea nodded, "But what is the reason we have come to this place."

Although it did not look like it bothered her, they were the youngest people in the guild at that time. Most of the men who stood in the large hall were much taller than the two females. Even the tallest out of the three of them was just a scrawny little mutt in the room.

"I was just thinking that we should probably find a way to get more money as you said this morning. The money we have is all yours, so even if we were to use it, Zingel and I would most probably be mooching over your idiotic kindness."

As Evy spoke, she rubbed a sheet of paper between her forefinger and thumb. "Also, to be considered as part of the kingdom, we need some sort of registration. My pa told me the easiest place to get one is through the guild since it doesn't require a lot of processes. The age at which one is considered an adult is seventeen. So that's when most people get their registration."

Almathea did not understand most of what Evy was saying, but she bobbed her head up and down regardless.

"The only thing I am good at is fighting, but you can read, Thea." She had a small smile on her face as she whispered those words. "So I don't think that it would be difficult for you to find a job through the guild. The only way for that to happen is if you already have identification. My papa said that in big towns and villages such as this one, the fastest way to get money is by joining the guild."

Almathea paused. She could not say with certainty that she wanted to work, or if she knew to work. Perhaps being with Evy was the safest for her, and that is why she had been clinging to the shorter female.

"Can we just go ask at the counter?" Almathea slowly asked after a few moments of thinking. She pointed at the counter where a man stood. The man was short with a mop of white hair on his head. His eyes were a clear blue color, and a pair of glasses rested atop his nose.

A pair of brown gloves covered his hands, which held a small pair of shoes. There was a tall brute of a man who stood in front of the counter. The man had scars running down his arms and face. Even Evy was hesitant to walk to the counter because of the tall man. He looked strong.

Almathea seemingly did not feel the danger the man posed for after she had pointed at the counter, she was already walking towards it. Evy and Zingel hurriedly followed behind her, and they waited together as the two men finished speaking.

The man at the counter gave them a wide smile once it was their turn. "Welcome to the Jrispuce Guild." His eyes squinted together as he smiled.

Almathea turned to Evy, unaware of how she was to tackle such a situation. Evy fumbled forward. "Um, hello. I heard that it was possible to register for identification with the guild." Although Evy couldn't read, she was well-spoken. She made up for what Almathea lacked.

The man at the register cocked his head slightly upon hearing her question. "Do you not have any form of registration? Your parent's identification for instance."

Evy froze for a second but then quickly recollected her thoughts. "We need those to get identification?" she slowly asked.

The man was very accommodating, as he slowly bobbed his head up and down.

"But sir, we do not have parents." Evy finally said after a few seconds of silence.

"You don't have…" The man was obviously slightly taken aback by her words.

As if scared to answer him, Evy turned and looked at Almathea and Zingel. Then she bowed her head slightly, "We are from an orphanage up North, close to the Vekshir border." She spoke in a low voice, as if afraid that someone would hear her.

"Goodness." The man muttered underneath his breath. Everyone knew of the northern border, the area close to the Vekshir border. It was a place riddled with monsters and bandits.

"Our orphanage burned down a few weeks ago. We were the only ones who managed to survive."

She bowed her head down and pretended to cry. Both Almathea and Zingel were surprised by this, and so they both scrambled to pat her back, in an attempt to calm her down. The man was slightly taken aback by this progression. The girl was so short, that he was unsure if he could guess her age correctly. The boy, although much taller than the girls, was seemingly ready to burst into tears himself.

Although the reason for that was because he felt terrible seeing the nice-smelling girl cry, he did not have to know that. It was almost as if thinking of the trials they faced caused him a lot of sadness.

The other girl on the other hand was calmly patting the back of the short girl. It was as if she was trying to be strong for the three of them. He did not know how to deal with them, so he glanced back at the door that stood behind him. "Listen here, children. I understand your predicament. However, I cannot do something like registering you without the necessary documents."

Upon hearing this, Evy seemed to cry even louder. She even sniffled and turned to dig her cheeks onto Almathea's shoulder. Almathea was confused by the progression, but she could understand what Evy was doing to a certain extent. She raised a hand and patted the girl's shoulder. "I apologize for causing a scene, sir. We shall be out of your hair."

Almathea was not as outspoken as Evy was, however, with the way she spoke to strangers, you could tell that her background was not normal. The man was taken aback slightly. He rubbed his forehead just as the trio had turned to walk away.

Zingel had bent his back to whisper something to Evy, and she was nodding to his words slowly. Not many people had noticed the interaction that had happened at the reception, and those who had dismissed it as the children having been lost.

The man called out, "Wait just a minute." He tilted his head slightly as he looked at Almathea.

It was only Almathea who turned. Her eyes were a bright red color and gleamed in the dim light of the sun. The man felt a chill run down his spine, but he shook his head, pulling himself together. "I cannot do anything for you at the moment, but can you wait there." He gestured at a space hidden in the corner of the hall.

Almathea tilted her head slightly, which caused her blue hair to swish to the side. "Does this mean you will help us, sir?"

The receptionist almost felt that it was better for the small girl to speak. The way the taller girl spoke was somewhat unnerving. It was almost as if she was higher in rank than he was despite the fact that she was addressing him politely. Not to mention how effortlessly she was doing it.

Etiquette was ingrained into nobles' children from birth. They had a certain haughtiness that they could not be hidden, and thus, the receptionist felt like he had immediately understood what was happening. His tone turned respectful, and he bowed his head slightly, "Of course, I shall, but it is up to your strength."