Just after she had declared that in a low voice, the short receptionist walked up to them. He had taken off his blue glasses at some point leaving, his light blue eyes in full view. He smiled widely at them. "I believe that you can now go ahead and see the director. She is a little hard to deal with, but you should be fine."

Since he was no longer standing behind the counter, Lexine immediately noticed that he was around the same height that Evy was, if not a few inches taller.

Almathea let go of Evy's hand and pulled her other hand out of her hair. "I thank you for giving us this opportunity despite the fact that we seem suspicious."

The receptionist tilted his head slightly, "I don't think I would say that I am suspicious of you, rather, I did not think there would be survivors of the latest monster raid in the north. I hear that it was quite a gruesome scene."

His words were intentionally said, as he stared at Almathea's reaction from the lids of his eyes. He was much shorter than she was, so he was forced to tilt his head back as he spoke. Her expression did not change much, as she bobbed her head up and down. She remembered Evy saying something about them coming from an orphanage in the North.

Thus, it was safer for them to go with her story instead of saying anything that would make them seem suspicious. "It was by sheer luck that we managed to survive," Almathea said.

Her expression remained neutral, hiding the fear that they would be discovered, and her palpitating heart.

"I see. Then, you have the gods to thank for your luck." The receptionist beckoned the other two to stand.

The male was having his long blonde hair patted by the dark-skinned female. His hair, although long, was unkempt and most of it was hidden underneath a hat. "Follow me." He said.

Replacing him was another receptionist, therefore, he led them through a door that was behind the receptionist's desk.

Behind that door was a flight of steps which they climbed. The air was musty, and the wet scent aggravated Zingel who gripped tightly onto the corner of Evy's shirt. She let him do as he wished as they continued to climb the steps.

"I am called Lashfen, and I am the secretary in this guild. Most paperwork needs to pass by me, so if you ever do need a job, I can assure you that I will give you safe work." He continued to chatter as they reached the top step. A long hallway waited for them at the top. There was another flight of stairs, which he ignored, and led them down the hallway to a door that was at the end of the hallway.

"There are a lot of people who will scam you, and other guilds who have even gone ahead to dispose of adventures who go against them. Therefore, I applaud you for deciding to join us here." There was a smile on his face as he turned to them.

Almathea was not one to speak often, so she listened to his words without replying, simply nodding once in a while. She did not know that her actions solidified the noblesse image that Lashfen had of her in his mind.

The other two looked timider than she did. The boy seemed uncomfortable and did not bother to hide the crease in his brows and the distaste he was feeling. The girl on the other hand was holding on to the boy's hand, maybe she was scared they would lose their last string of hope.

Just the thought made him shake his head. These three children were truly pitiful.

The trio had no idea that their subconscious actions would cause such a misunderstanding with the man.

"Lord Lashfen," Almathea called out just as they had stopped in front of the door.

"Yes?" he turned his head to them.

"Is it truly a requirement to go to Reishana academy so that we can do quests in the guild?"

"Hm." He lowered the hand that was about to knock on the door. She had surprised him by addressing him as such. Having been used to staying around mercenaries in the guild, many of who were commoners, it had been a while since someone had addressed him using a title. "I would not say that you are required to have education from the Reishana Academy." He shook his head. "I have quite a few mercenaries who have not attended the academy at all. However, they all take on the most menial of duties and their pay is also minimal."

His lips were softer this time as he smiled, "However, that is for those who want to become adventures. Isn't what you want to get identification? Since you know no one, it will be difficult to have someone to vouch for who you are. Especially with the rise in second children cases these days, it is hard to get identification without having someone to vouch for your identity."

He tilted his head as he thought, "However, seeing as you three are from the north, I will vouch for you, just this once though, so do not lose your identification ever."

The two girls nodded quickly, and a large smile planted itself on Evy's lips. "Thank you, sir." She awkwardly bowed. Almathea also followed suit. As much as she would have tried to hide it if she knew, it was difficult to hide the perfect curtsy she did.

Even though she was wearing a pair of trousers, her back still bent at the waist as if she was wearing a corset and dress. Zingel did not understand what it is they were doing, so he stood awkwardly next to them. The man tilted his head slightly, and another smile caused him to lift his lips up. "It does not really matter." He helped Almathea who was closest to him to stand. "You can stand now."

This time, he knocked on the door.