"Mister teacher." Evy called out in a low voice. Her voice was trembling, and it cracked near the end of her calling him. She did not know whether or not Almathea was alright. However, the fact that Almathea was breathing softly gave her some comfort. 

Still, why had she suddenly passed out, was the real question. There was no way to know that without asking her, so Evy simply raised her hand, and rubbed at her eyes. "Mister teacher, can you go and get the butler for us? Or a doctor? Thea does not seem to be feeling well."

There was hustle and bustle, as Zingel and the teacher ran out of the library, leaving Evy with Almathea. 

Then, Evy's eyes suddenly looked to the corner of the aisle of books. There obviously wouldn't be anyone there, since they were only the four of them in the library before the teacher and Zingel went out.