Although he had his doubts, Arkien still waited for Taevlin to begin speaking. Seeing as he had their attention, Taevlin tapped the armrest of the chair he was seated on. Using as little words as he could, he explained what had happened on the day that they went to the theatre and were attacked.

His words shocked Arkien who stared at him with wide eyes. "You mean to tell us that Lexine Woods is your life partner?" he asked, not concealing his surprised tone.

"Yes, it would seem that she is. Although, as it would be, she has forgotten every little thing about what happened at the time. Thus, I have yet to tell her of my findings."

Arkien ran a hand down his face. The spouse of the Sylph Father was chosen at birth by his mother. That is how it had always been. Therefore, everyone knew of the fact that Desire was his future inamorata. How would she react once she…