Evy was a small girl, so to throw a whole man over her shoulder was surprising for all who were concentrated on them. However, Evy did not mind them, as she smiled at her two companions. "Then, shall we?"

Almathea managed to bob her head up and down, and pulled Zingel along with her to follow behind Evy who had already gone into the building. Zingel clutched onto the hat that was on his head, preventing it from falling off. He could feel his ears still popping out from his head after all.

Evy stopped in front of the receptionist's desk and placed her palm on the table. Her dark curly hair swished over her forehead as she looked down at the papers that were on the table. However, since she could not read, she turned to Almathea and beckoned at her. Almathea pulled Zingel with her and they stopped next to Evy.

Evy picked up one of the papers and showed her, "What does this say?" She spoke in a low voice, only allowing Almathea to hear her.