"Just because we do not know if there is another manipulation method that resembles that, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. With Lexine, I doubt it would be right to look at the normal manipulation methods." Artin continued to mull, speaking his thoughts out loud.

"Come to think of it, has it ever happened, since the formation of the academy and the creation of the music trunk, that even after a sylph has gotten their instrument they still failed to attain the element they are to manipulate?" Adley's offhanded question caused the three sylphs who were in the room to suck in a deep breath.

It truly had never happened before. As long as one managed to open their music trunk, no matter how weak their energy signature was, they would still be able to get an element to manipulate. However, Lexine's music playing. The melodies she played were not like any they had heard before.