Opening of the Player Shop

This would make the individual temporarily immune to any sort of attack also known as the Invulnerability State.

The unimaginable benefit to this would be the inspiration to come up with skills that already exist in the world.

There's even a slim chance of creating a whole new skill that suits the said individual.

This state is commonly called by the citizens of Dystopia as the Class Change Inspiration.

He had through the class change once and got 2 new skills in total [ Shadow Meld ] and [ Shadow Blur ].

These skills already existed in the world thus it couldn't really be called as unique to him.

He had managed to obtain these skills partly due to his high affinity to shadows and partly due to his luck.

It is to be known that these skills would only be learned after an [ Assassin ] advanced to become a [ Shadow Assassin ], and right now he has such advanced skills that he could use anytime.

Some of the members did not even manage to receive a single skill while he's lucky enough to receive two, this made the others feel extreme jealousy and envy.

This incident did not go unnoticed by the higher-ups as well as he was promoted to a higher rank and was even recognized as one of the strongest candidates to successfully reach the 3rd class advancement.

He did not know what and how many skills Qianna had obtained from her Change Class Inspiration, but right now, there is an individual undergoing the process of Class Change, it was his enemy at that.

He was feeling partly anxious and partly anticipating on what would Mirage get from his class change.


After Mirage's shout, the card suddenly shattered and broke into countless tiny fragments which then rapidly flew into his head through his glabella.

They successively entered his head that they somehow looked like a stream of a golden river that continuously flowed to Mirage's head.

He suffered quite a bit of headache due to the sudden influx of knowledge and information regarding the [ Spell Caster ] class.

Well, those bits of information would first be needed to be sorted out or he would just be confused by the interruption of various information.

His game panel displayed the information regarding the [ Spell Caster ] class.

< Spell Caster > [ ☆ ]

• Class Description •

- The mystical class that had newly entered or dabbled on the fields of mana and spell casting.

- They are known for their ability to manipulate and use the mana energies around them.

- They are also known for their obsession towards learning new spell knowledge, often staying in their quarters to study magic spells.

• Class Details •

[ Class Difficulty: ☆☆☆☆ ]

[ Offensive Rank: ☆☆☆☆☆ ]

[ Defensive Rank: ☆☆ ]

( Additional Card Note: The data presented on this card is in no way accurate and is only based on the average statistics of the class based on history. )

• Stats, Weapons, and Armor •

[ Main Attribute/s: INT ]

[ Main Weapon/s: Magic Staff ]

[ Secondary Weapon/s: Spellbooks, Crystal Orbs ]

[ Armor Type: Light Armor ]

( Additional Card Note: The data presented on this card is in no way accurate as this data is based on the popular preference of the said class alone. )

He had seen and known of various weapons that were stated on the cards and most of them use the weapon that suits them the most.

But until now, he had no idea on how to classify the Armor Types, he had only seen 2 types of armor so far which are the Light Armor and the Heavy Armor.

He did not know if there are other types of armor out there that's yet to be mentioned but the thing that he was most curious about was the stars that were used and displayed on the golden cards.

He's itching to find out what were their uses and purposes but he had no one that he could ask for right now.

He was not given any time to think as he received another flood of notifications.

[ The Player is detected to be undergoing Class Change to < Spell Caster >. ]

[ You have been restricted from moving. ]

[ You have been granted a temporary Invulnerable State while class change is in progress.  ]

He felt relief wash over him after he saw that he was granted an Invulnerable Status by the game system.

Those explosive daggers would be rendered useless and he wouldn't have to deal with them by himself.

The daggers arrived not long later and somehow they strangely passed through his body and exploded on the hall walls, he wasn't affected by the explosion at all.

The notifications did not end there though as he received another one.

[ You have received the buff < Class Change Inspiration >. Duration: 5 minutes ]

He then felt an unprecedented clarity in his mind and felt extremely intelligent that he even had the urge to solve the philosophical questions that bugged the people on Earth for many years.

Then he surprisingly received another notification.

[ The Player Shop has been temporarily opened! ]

He was pleasantly surprised by this notification as he was extremely curious about the player shop more than anything.

The player shop existed and although it couldn't be accessed yet, there should be its use someday was what he thought back then.

And right now, he had received the notification saying that the shop has been opened, albeit temporarily.

Nevertheless, he was extremely excited thus he hurriedly pressed the shining player shop button on his game panel.

He was met with another screen after he pressed the button.

It was a roulette that had a dozen or so of different colors that represented various subjects such as Language, Philosophy, Art, Geography, History, Mathematics, and finally Literature.

Each of the subjects that he had stated have either occupied 2 or more roulette slots.

He was baffled by this sudden situation thus he carefully examined it and saw that there's an additional note below the roulette.

( Spin the wheel and you will be granted a subject. )

He was speechless, this note was so useless that it did not really explain anything to him, but he nevertheless pushed the wheel and it rapidly spun clockwise.

It had not even managed to do a full rotation when it abruptly stopped on its tracks, he was startled and saw that the arrow was pointed at the blaring red Mathematics.

He had yet to process the whole roulette thing when he received various notifications.

[ You have been granted the subject Mathematics. ]

[ The Player Shop is Randomly Generating Mathematical Questions... ]

[ Questions has been Generated Successfully! ]

He was bewildered and confusingly thought to himself.

'What does the subject Mathematics have something to do with the player shop?'

His question was immediately answered by the notification he received.

[ Player Shop ] ( Mathematics )

• Mathematical Rule No. 1 •

Each item would correspond to a mathematical question that the player needs to solve.

• Mathematical Rule No. 2 •

Solve the question of an item successfully and receive the item in return.

• Mathematical Rule No. 3 •

Each item's question would have a time limit depending on the item's rarity and the difficulty of the question.

• Mathematical Rule No. 4 •

The players who use cheats and exploits would be punished by the shop accordingly and it has the full rights to terminate the said player's shop usage.

[ Do you agree to the rules stated above? ( YES | NO ) ]

After reading the shop rules, Mirage hesitated for a moment before pressing YES.

He's not too sure if he was able to solve difficult mathematical questions but he nevertheless wanted to try his luck and see what the shop looks like.

He was silently sitting on the ground when he suddenly felt nauseous as if he was being transported somewhere, he could only close his eyes due to dizziness.

The nauseous feeling disappeared not long later and he slowly opened his eyes, he was dumbfounded by what he saw in front of him.

Mirage saw a majestic tall golden tower in front of him, the tower was sparkling brightly like that of a golden sun, it looked magnificently grand.

The huge metal doors of the golden tower immediately swung open as if it was welcoming the grand arrival of its owner.

Mirage unknowingly entered the tower and there he saw innumerable items that were enclosed by a transparent glass panel.

Each panel contains different types of items, some were cool-looking armor and weapons, some were brightly glowing floating books and scrolls, and many more.

His eyes were bedazzled because of each items' different types of radiance.

Further ahead the showcase hallway were 3 different staircases with varying colors that lead to different categories of items.

The left blue staircase had a golden plaque on top of it that wrote the word [ Miscellaneous ] in a vigorous single stroke.

The right purple staircase also had a golden plaque on top of it that says [ Armory ].

Finally, the last red staircase in the center had a golden plaque that wrote the word [ Skills ].

The left and right staircases were barricaded with a rainbow-colored barrier it was as if entry was temporarily unavailable and he did not know why.

Thus he could only use the center red staircase that leads to the [ Skills ] section of the tower.