Dragon Race, The Upcoming Fight of Irene and The Red Dragon

The handsome blonde man relaxed his tight frown, he sighed and said in a low voice.

"It can't be helped, I should fetch that disciple of mine, this way, I could also roam and watch the scenery of the outside world."

With that, he stood up from his cushion pillow that he was sitting on and he gave a final look towards the west before his body slowly morphed and disappeared from where he was standing.

The warm and large stone room suddenly became empty and quiet the moment the blonde man had left the place.


The white beam of light that the pyramid eye had fired off had squarely hit the rampaging red devil in its head.

The moment it was hit, it had suddenly froze in its tracks and its berserk red eyes lost their red glow and returned to their normal black-red eyes.

The devil was confused at first but then its expression suddenly changed as it suddenly felt that its eyes were too heavy.

The sudden situation alerted the devil as it wasn't normal for it to suddenly get ejected out of its bloodthirst state and even feel sleepiness at that.

The devil was on the verge of dozing off and could sleep at any time now, the devil's legs felt weak and it could only drop down the ground helplessly, it directed a cold and baleful glare towards the hooded woman after it fell.

The woman had already kept the pyramid artifact inside her after she had successfully fired off her skill as the artifact was too much of an expenditure with her current strength.

She breathed a sigh of relief after she absorbed the artifact back in her body then she suddenly felt the fierce glare of the devil but she didn't even spare a glance at it as she had immediately run off to where the spiraling staircase was located.

The red devil was speechless after it saw the woman running away from the basement room as if she was afraid to stay in the place any longer.

Its eyes went wide open and its sleepiness was temporarily suppressed by the intense anger that it was feeling.

This didn't last long though as it felt the sleepy feeling immediately come back not long later, it was extremely unwilling to sleep just like that as it didn't even know if it would be able to wake up from its sleep.

It was reluctant but it could not do anything but how could a newly revived devil possibly fend off the terrifying effects of a revamped 6-star spell?

In its last moments, it pricked its thumb finger using its sharp index claws, and as a result drop after drop of black-reddish blood flowed out of its finger.

The devil willed the drops of blood to coagulate until they formed 5 perfect blobs of blood on the ground.

It finally fell asleep after it saw its blood successfully coagulated, its horribly ugly red face displayed a satisfied smirk while it was sleeping.

Meanwhile, the devil did not know of the exact reason behind the woman's escape but the woman did not really mean to run off just like that though, she had not even managed to confirm that she had killed the devil successfully but she had no choice but to run away and hide somewhere or she would receive a series of scolding from her master for sure.

She knew that her master must've already been informed by the artifact and was already on his way to fetch her thus she had immediately gone off to sneak out of the black pointed tower and carefully examined her surroundings making sure that her petty master is nowhere to be seen.

Not long later, she breathed a sigh of relief as she did not see the traces of her master thus she carefully unwrapped the baby from her gold satin and he held him in her arms while she removed the hood that obscured her face at the same time.

An extremely beautiful face was revealed beneath the hood, like a piece of art created by the gods themselves, she had fair and flawless skin, phoenix-like white eyes, and an impossibly perfect symmetrical nose.

At this moment, her thin and curved eyebrows suddenly frowned again her cherry red lips tightly puckered as if she was anxious by something.

"It's impossible for master to be late, he should've arrived earlier but why is he still not here yet? Did he encounter any problems along the way?"

She knew of her master's profound strength and knew that he should've already arrived by now, but her master was nowhere to be seen at all thus she couldn't help but feel anxious by his unknown condition.

Then she suddenly felt vigorous tremors not far from her and her curiosity was invoked by this thus she unhesitatingly went towards the source of the commotion.

The tremors grew stronger as her distance and the commotion lessened, she unconsciously looked up and suddenly she stopped in her tracks, her peerlessly beautiful face displayed an expression of extreme shock.

Up in the skies ahead of her, she saw an extremely huge red dragon flying while fighting a floating blonde-haired man who wore a clean and long snow-white robe.

That blonde man was precisely her master, she had no idea of the sudden appearance of a gigantic dragon as she only knew that her master is in danger and he wouldn't be able to keep up fighting with the dragon at this rate

In the ancient records of Dystopia, it was said that the Dragon Race was hailed as a sacred and blessed species that have extremely tough dragon scales and a certain degree of resistance towards any type of attack.

They also had a terrifying racial talent called Dragon's Breath that would enable them to annihilate everything that blocks their way.

Dragons are blessed with high intelligence and keen perception towards their surroundings and almost all of the dragon race possess a natural affinity on certain types of energies because of this.

Dragons are known for their elusive and arrogant nature thus they normally disdained on descending in the lower mortal plane yet now there's such dragon that descended in this continent.

She asked herself why here of all places that it could possibly descend?

Then she suddenly felt that the baby in her arms slightly moved.

He wore an expression of extreme comfort and relaxation and looked as if he was highly satisfied sleeping in her arms.

The woman saw this and she slightly trembled while her eyes turned red and she couldn't help but bite her lips tightly until one could see blood dripping out of them.

She subconsciously looked up to where her master and dragon were fighting while she was silently thinking to herself.

'It's all my fault... because of me, Master chose to interfere with my tribulation... if only I had not... No! I can't bear to let this pitiful child tragically die, neither could I let my beloved master sacrifice himself for me.'

She gave a deep look to the baby in her arms then she gritted her teeth while her snow-white eyes shone with intense decisive light.

The woman took the gold satin out of her space again and used it to wrap the baby in it while she also took a golden mattress out of her interspatial inventory.

She carefully arranged the mattress on the flat ground far away from where the fight was happening, she carefully placed the baby on the exquisite golden mattress that she laid on the ground.

After placing him, she went to scan the surroundings first in case of hidden dangers and after making sure that there was none, she lowered her left hand and fondly caressed the chubby cheeks of the baby while silently muttering to herself.

"Chan, always remember that I, Irene did not regret rescuing you out of danger and know that you are my one and only disciple in all of my life."

A streak of tear dropped on his face and she immediately left after saying goodbye to Chan, before leaving though she did not forget to plant white flags on the baby's surroundings.

She did a few complicated hand seals while channeling her will energy towards the scattered flags until they hummed with faint white light signifying the successful formation of her illusion array.

This array is extremely convenient and useful because as long as it had the energy to sustain, it would be able to deceive the enemies and protect the ones inside against those with malicious intentions.

This is a class-specific array that she had especially set up to protect a disciple who hadn't even manage to acknowledge her as his master, she bitterly sighed and this time, she left for real.

Her figure looks sad and forlorn while she was heading towards where her master and the red dragon were currently fighting.


At this moment, the blonde-haired man had a tight frown on his heavily sweating handsome face, he was silently thinking to himself of the situation he was currently in.

'This is bad. At this rate, I wouldn't be able to handle this tribulation and would eventually die of exhaustion!'

The man was vexed on how a dragon had suddenly appeared on their mortal plane when they're normally evasive and loved to avoid the public eye the most.

It's quite fortunate that the population of the continent was sparsely distributed around the vast desert or their fight would've been immediately discovered if they fought in other places.

This situation wouldn't be able to last that long though as he knew that there are also countless strong people silently living in this continent and it's only a matter of time before their fight would get discovered by these people.