Hospital setup and assassinations

"I was set up!" Shadow Cat felt outraged. Now, in a situation like this, anyone else would panic and run, but not him. "Did they think this is going to stop me?" He whispered and smirked as his brain naturally started to come up with a plan to finish the job. "After all, my name is Shadow Cat for a reason."

Ever since Shadow Cat showed signs of walking, he had been in the custody of his father and trained to be a brutal assassin. Any weapon from a gun, knife, bat, really anything that could be used to harm someone had been placed in his small and delicate hands before even having the knowledge to know what they really were. After the unfortunate events leading to his father's death, Shadow was given full leadership of the most powerful gang in Canada. Best known as the United Devils.

That was until a half older brother showed up out of nowhere. Shadow Cat then decided to leave leadership in his hands. Not only was it to avoid confrontation, but to be closer to the action. Shadow Cat never liked dishing out orders. He was more of a do-it-yourself kind of guy. He was the number one assassin, after all.

Formulating a plan, Shadow Cat used his knowledge of the hospital to get the job done quickly. He had studied every building's blueprint over the last few years, learning ways to get in and out without causing suspicions or be seen. Shadow calculated every move and began to set the plan in motion. First step Powerbox.

Using the vents, Shadow Cat dropped inside the room that held the power box. And with one touch turned the power out. He knew this would only buy him around 45 seconds before the alternative emergency power came on, so he hurried to finish the job.

Using shortcuts and incredible speed, he ran to the location of the room. Taking full advantage of the darkness, he pulled out his favorite knife and reached the officers at the nearest exit. Afraid, the officers searched around the area with weapons in hand. The officers attempted to defend themselves in the darkness. But with no knowledge of what's to come, there is no way to ready.

Shadow Cat was quick to cut open the throat of the first officer and proceeded by stabbing the following one six times in the chest before disappearing into the dark. Shadow was sure not to make much noise as he didn't want to alert the rest of the officers. He soon appeared beside the officers guarding the door of his targets.

Even with flashlights and searching around them frantically, neither one of the officers manage to see Shadow Cat approach them. He moved like a ninja, climbed objects and walls like a cat, and ran faster than a jaguar. His skills were unlike anything anyone had seen before. Many believed Shadow Cat to be inhuman, and the officers never saw him coming. One by one, falling into a pile of their blood. Shadow then proceeded to enter the hospital room where his victims laid. Unfortunately, his luck had run out because, at that precise moment, the lights came back on.

The officer in the room managed to see him enter and was quick to pull out his gun. Not waiting for a second, he aimed towards the Shadow Cat and pulled the trigger. Only Shadow Cat was too fast. He quickly moved out of the way before the bullet could even manage to grace him. The officer shot once and twice. Over and over again, but no matter how hard he tried, Shadow was too quick. The gun then rang one last time before the officer fell to the ground. Shadow Cat had managed to jump over the officer landing behind him and using the officer's own gun to place a bullet in his head.

The rest of the officers were alerted by the first shot that Shadow Cat had dodged. They ran towards the room to provide backup. Only they were too late. After taking down the officer, Shadow Cat shot both surviving victims all over the bodies until his gun ran out of bullets. Finally, as the noise of the gun died down, he managed to hear the footsteps of the officers running towards the room. He was aware it was only a matter of seconds before they would arrive, and he had to get out of the room fast.

Shadow Cat ran towards the window in the room. As he busted it open, two other officers ran inside the room. "Hands in the air" one yelled. The officers thought they had him trapped. After all, who would be dumb enough to jump out of a window on the 5th floor of a hospital? They were surprised when Shadow Cat replied with a smirk and dived out of the window somehow, doing a flip and landing safely on his feet. They could not believe how he was alive with no harm whatsoever. Shadow stood on the ground looking back up at them, and the officers angrily began to shoot.

Trying hard to escape the bullets, Shadow Cat ran towards a nearby alleyway. Even the harsh rain could not keep him down. As he ran, he felt a sudden sharp pain emerge from his side, but choosing to ignore it, Shadow Cat kept running. He ran and ran, but with every step he took, the pain on his side became greater, spreading all over his body. He had no time to check. The officers had called for backup and were now on his tail. The pain slowed him down each second. He was becoming slower and slower. He had to think of something quick, or at this rate, he would get caught. He was sure he would need a miracle to get out of this one. That's when... "Ouch."