Panic and a way out

Would she? No! She couldn't do it, she wouldn't do it. Marie was curious but it was best if she was not aware of who the man was. Marie knew there was still a possibility that she would still be killed but would she also risk her family just to find out the identity of the notorious Shadow Cat. No not today. Marie instead decided that maybe it was time to run.

She had done the right thing, his life was saved but now it was time to save her own. She turned to look at Shadow once again but only felt conflicted. Tore in two part, one wanting to run and the other wanting to keep an eye on him and make sure nothing else went wrong that would cause his death.

"Maybe when he wakes up and realizes I saved his life he would treat me right. Maybe I can be really happy here with him. Wait, What? No Marie have you gone insane. What the hell are you thinking? He is nothing but a criminal!" Marie thought to herself. She groaned in frustration for the second time today. What did she really want?

Taking a deep breath Marie made up her mind. "Let's get the hell out of here." She whispered. Marie quickly ran towards the door and turned the knob only to have a keypad and scanner appear form the side. It was very similar from the one outside. "SHIT!" Marie whispered yelled "Now how the hell do I get out."

Beginning to go in to panic mode Marie began breathing hard, but this would not stop her she would look for a way out. Marie ran towards every door, window, and room but everything was locked. Shut as if this was a prison. The security systems were too high tech and complicated for even her to understand. Marie was lost and did not know what to do.

Then it dawn on her there was no way out. Feeling overwhelmed and confused Marie's brain began to shut down. At this point nothing but one thing was certain. There was no way out. Marie fell on the floor hyperventilating and before she knew it everything went black.

Marie woke up hours later to her aching body. She had slept on the floor. She then struggled to get back up due to the pain in her back. Her eyes scanned the room as it was unfamiliar to her. She looked around trying to figure out where she was.

"This is definitely not my room or house." Marie thought out loud. Finally after a few minutes she began to recall the events from the prior night. Her chest once again tightens and she begins taking short and fast breaths. "I got to get out of here!"

Marie thinks and thinks. There has to be a key or password somewhere. She tiptoes back to the living room hoping Shadow Cat was still asleep. She looks to see him still hooked up to the machines still passed out. Marie was sure he was alive due to the rising and falling of his chest. He had regained color, and from the looks of it, he was simply resting.

She was happy he was alive as it proves that she did her job right but she was also aware that meant she had very little time left. She once again searches through the drawers for anything she can use to open the door. She had to escape now.

First drawer, nothing. Second, nothing. Over and over again she found the same result meaning nothing. "I have to get out of here" she groaned. Marie thought again. There has to be something she is missing. If only she wasn't so afraid she would be able to think right.

That's when it hit her. "His pockets! Of course, I haven't checked his pockets." She whispered yelled. Marie felt dumb. How could she have forgotten to check his pockets? Once again she tiptoed towards Shadow Cat and gently reached inside his pockets for a key.

"Got it" she whispered as she pulled the key out of his left pocket. Her whispered was louder than she thought as Shadow Cat stirred. Marie froze in fear. If he catches her she is as good as dead. She remained quiet and still until she saw him go back to sleep. Once he stops moving she let out a breath she had been holding. Slowly she turned around and tiptoed back to the door. If only she knew what key opened the door? She had seen the keypad also held a spot for a key that's why she was sure there was a key somewhere but which of the 5 keys is it?

Marie tried the first key but it did not even go in the hole. The second key went in the hole but it did not turn. She was about to place the third key in the hole and begins to turn it. "Perfect fit," she thought as she hears the clicking sound of the door unlocking.

Marie turned the door knob and was about to pull the door open when she feels like there are eyes on her. Before she turns around someone grabs her arm making her heart drop.

"Where do you think you're going, princess?"